Yes it's true They had ART for a competition - oh how I yearn for the days or yore
and Poetry in the EARLY EARLY DAYS!!!!!
(I have a beret and can SNAP my Fangers)
yes it's true they had art for a competition - oh how i yearn for the days or yore.
and poetry in the early early days!!!!!.
Yes it's true They had ART for a competition - oh how I yearn for the days or yore
and Poetry in the EARLY EARLY DAYS!!!!!
(I have a beret and can SNAP my Fangers)
introduction: this subject came up on another thread and seemed important enough to justify its own thread:.
judicial hearing procedure, chapter 7. recording devices.
"recording devices should not be allowed.
Why go through all the KWAP
Truthfully, I have faded, if they want to have a meeting with me - they can on their own - I dont feel the need to be present.
What is the big deal , let them do want they want, nothing WE can ever say would change their mind(s)
it's like talking to the Pharisees
Go to the Beach and have a cold one
here is an email that my grandmother sent me yesterday.. .
shawn, it's very difficult & sad to come to this decision, but because of your attitude towards the truth & us personally (thinking that we are stupid) we're going to treat you as a disfellowshipped person from now on.
actually, you're worse than them because usually they know they have not kept their oath to jehovah & don't speak abusively of the organization and don't turn apostate.
IF you want to come work for me, I will put you in MY WILL!
dear randall.
good morning!.
here is the daniel of brazil (former bethel).. this week at the forum of former jehovah's witnesses had an interesting news!
Nope I got the "low down" yesterday
They are setting up Direct Deposit or Withdrawl - ACH like your/our paychecks for Contributions
and you will get extra "Heaven 144,000 Points" - (allowing you to partake and NOT be called Mentally imbalanced)
I saw it on the rough draft on "Loesch's desk"
did he ever get his law degree (old thread) does he practice law?.
or did he take over his in-laws sell cars to the wtbts dealership?.
what happened to the book ?.
Hey All,
Thanks for the notes, I think he has multiple addresses, and due to his past history has the ability to live wherever he and his lovely wife want to,
I wanted to see if he was still active as we know that going to college is a "no no" in the JW book. Ronwashington put it right when he said he would lose privledges if his child went to college, You can image the distaste that this "double standard" has among the R & F when a child who is raise at Bethel, so involved there with the car deal, father a GB, yadda yadda yadda.
I guess a little part of me would like to hear, " he dropped out" and doesn't go to meetings as that would give credence to the critical skills one develops when you go to college/university.
Marvin, thanks for the "heads up picture" he has changed alot (as we all do) when we get older. Oh the stories abound about his actions at Bethel, I am sure you have all heard them - some have been mentioned, but really WHAT A GREAT EXAMPLE
One thing to keep in mind, ALBERT (his dad was college educated too)
Peace to all
did he ever get his law degree (old thread) does he practice law?.
or did he take over his in-laws sell cars to the wtbts dealership?.
what happened to the book ?.
did he ever get his law degree (old thread) does he practice law?.
or did he take over his in-laws sell cars to the wtbts dealership?.
what happened to the book ?.
He and his wife own a condo in Florida (Hillsboro Beach, FLA) Broward County, worth about $366K
Wondered if any " in the know" in FL have any more details
IS he active, etc. etc.....
did he ever get his law degree (old thread) does he practice law?.
or did he take over his in-laws sell cars to the wtbts dealership?.
what happened to the book ?.
Did he ever get his Law Degree (old thread) does he practice law?
or did he take over his In-Laws sell cars to the WTBTS Dealership?
What happened to the Book ?
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before, i was thinking, this whole thing with the character the writing department has must be a coincidence.
they must use other names?.
or do they only help their own members ?.
is there anything in their publications that seems to cast a negative view on feeding the poor ?.
NOPE they DO NOT help the poor
I got told off a few years ago by my "then PO" for helping a WOMENS SHELTER in our town
I gave them $200 for food, he told me he heard about my generous contribution - like it's a sin
Quote here- "you should have thought about putting that money in the Contribution box"
JESUS says (I told him) Widows and Orphans need LOVE and MONEY TOO