Peaches 1978 - Yes indeed, I was continually grieved about ever so many things while I was inside the WTS - gut feelings as well as actual observations and logical conclusions from reading the material being offered - and sometimes several of us who partook would gather together - we enjoyed one another's support because it was a lonely position in the congregations - many went thru real suffering and abuse because of their partaking - so we buoyed one another up - but whenever we did get together inevitably the conversation would turn to all the things that needed fixing and corrected and when would Jehovah take action against the organization - how far could it go? We were very open in our expressions of dis-satisfaction about the WTS which was also refreshing because in the congregation one was so careful to be "circumspect" about everthing said. We had no fear amongst ourselves. And serious concern. In fact recently one of the brothers who is still within the WTS but also partakes paid me a visit and related he felt Jehovah had communicated to him that He is very displeased with what is going on in the leadership but I couldn't succeed at prying out of him any specifics or particulars.
His visit was mainly to try and convince me to come back - he worries that I will be destroyed because I left. In their private discussions he said everyone felt that my leaving was "curtains" for me - that I was "finished" - he knew me well enough to realize I hadn't turned my back on Jehovah or left the love I had for the scriptures. So he is quite puzzled and not sure what to make of it. But he did admit that they are all as a group concerned about the "gestapo" atmosphere and many of the recent changes that are not spiritually refreshing plus lack of deep spiritual food. But he still has faith that when Armageddon comes our instructions for survival will come thru the WTS and he is so worried I won't be receiving them. I shake my head in sadness that he has those blinders on and is unable to see the fact Jehovah is not limited to any man's organization or institution. It is true Jehovah used men in the past like Moses to lead His people but He also gave Moses abundant authoritative backup and proof of his divine calling - I fail to see the same for the WTS today - they have gotten the message out to a large audience and grown into a mighty publishing machine and Jehovah can and has used that for His own purposes I believe - but it doesn't cancel out all the wrongs and error they keep on perpetrating either. All I can say is the future will be interesting to watch unfold.
To Lozhasleft - No I never discovered any PM's from you - I had two from Zid and managed to retrieve and read those. But I cannot find yours - perhaps after they get so old they are removed? Anyway yes - I partake by myself here at home. Have not joined any other church - I do take part in an Interdenominational Bible Study Group and they are talking about celebrating the Lord's Evening Meal as a group - have not decided whether to participate in that or not - it will probably not be on the correct date or even with the correct materials and frankly between you and I, I don't think the WTS even has the date calculated correctly. I went ahead and partook on Friday evening of March 18th this year - because the first full moon after the spring equinox was the 19th and the best I can learn about the Barley harvest being fully ripe - that is not even considered a legitimate requirement by the Jews. NASA Solar Observatory indicated the spring equinox occurred on March 13th per the partial solar eclipse. I chose the evening of the 18th because at sundown that actually becomes the next day - old Jewish time thing - sundown to sundown. Truth is I do not believe Jehovah is that particular or legalistic about these things - he reads the hearts - but I still like to get it right - 30 plus years of indoctrination showing. And He will forgive me if I got it wrong or permit me to celebrate the meal again next month. In fact He didn't put any limit on how often we could observe it. Isn't it nice not to have to be so hidebound with nit-picking details anymore? But I still feel pretty strongly about using unsulphured wine and unfermented bread - some of those in my Bible Class are happy with unfermented Welch's Grape Juice and commerical white bread cut up in little squares. If that was all I had available I guess I'd make do that way too with a prayer of apology to Jehovah on my breath though. But what really counts with Him is the heart per my views. And I'll happily welcome correction if you think I need it.