I don't to be one of those annoying new memebers who start loads of threads so I'll keep this in here. Not much point with thise post other than sharing my thoughts.
My father and I have not discussed religion for a couple of years because I've been living overseas. In the past, to be honest, whenever we have spoken about relgiion he always got the better of me. However, in the last couple of years I've been doing a bit of reading (crises of Conscience, Alan Feubacher, and some of these forums). Any way, my dad and I were talking about religion a few days ago and I couldnt believe I had a better grasp of some topics than he did.
I tried to pin him down on who exactly would die in Armagheddon, he admitted that most 'worldly' people would die and that if Armagheddon were to happen tomorrow then I would die too. He seemed to think this was okay and a non-issue though because Armagheddon won't happen tomorrow and so I could potentially become a witness, and be 'saved', by the time that it does.
It was hard to keep him on point, but I asked him again that, if, hypothetically, Armagheddon did happen tomorrow, would I die. He agreed that I would so I asked him if he thought that I deserved to die and if he was comfortable with this. He was unwilling to actually say that I deserved to die. I told him it was implied by his beliefs regardless. He seemed genuinely upset by this suggestion but was also unwilling to admit that I did NOT deserve to die either - presumably because that would mean Jehovah is wrong (was I observing cognitive dissonance)
He kept trying to evade the question and moving between two contradictory answers:
A) Jehovah can look into your heart and see if you are a good person and worthy of saving
B) You have to have a knowledge of scripture and Jehovah and practice a Christian lifestyle to stand a chance at Armagheddon
Whenever I suggested that A implies that you don't need to be a Jehovah's Witness to be saved he would move to B. And whenever I pointed out how grossly unfair B is he'd go back to A. I pointed both A and B could not possibly both be true. He couldnt answer me.
We soemhow got onto the length of days in Genesis. He was not aware that up until the 1980's the Watchtower taught the creative days were 7,000 years long and that this teaching has never officially been retracted and the current teaching that each creative day was 'thousands of years' is still consistent with the 7,000 years teaching. I asked him if he could find out if the 7,000 years is still official docrtine and he said he'd look into it.
He explained that 'day' in Genesis 1 is cross referenced with Genesis 8:22 which uses 'day' figuratively'. I told him that 'yohm' (day) is used 1,200 times in the OT to refer to a 24-hour day so if 'day' is used both figuratively and literally on what basis does Watchtower cross reference a figurative meaning rather than the primary literal meaning - he said it was a good question and he'd look into it for me (maybe the cogs are starting to turn)
He brought up 'Isiah' 'Sphere of Earth' quote. I informed him the correct interpretation was 'circle' a flat object and that the Babylonians used the same word to describe the Earth and they definitely believe the Earth was flat - He seemed surprised by this, like it was news to him and he said that it was 'interesting'.
He kept on talking about 'theoies' so I asked him if he knew what a theory was - he of course said 'conjecture'. I explained to him that a theory, in the scientific context is an explanation that has been tested and is supported by all the evidence and must have predictive power. I used gravity as an example of something that is both a fact and a theory and how it would be foolish to dismiss the fact of gravity because science cannot fully explain the 'theory'. Again, this was all new to him and he seemed to grasp it so I didnt push the point - I know the org teaches a different meaning of 'theory'
He then brought up christmas and birthdays being based on pagan festivals (time of year I guess). I pointed out that his wedding band also had pagan origins. He ignored this and started going on about how christmas can be traced back to paganism so I repeated 'so can your wedding band'. He dissmissibley asked 'can it?' so I replied 'yes, as surely as Christmas can'. He said that wedding bands are trivial and lost their pagan meaning so I asked 'why have wedding bands lost their pagan meaning but Christmas and Birthdays have not?'. He could not answer so then claimed that the Bible prohibits Birthdays and Christmas. I asked him to provide references so he admitted Birthdays and Christmas are not explicitly prohibted so it was an 'interpretation'. I asked how he reconciled this with his earlier claim that was not intersted in the words of men but only God/the Bible.
He started getting a bit cranky by this point because I think it became apparant to him that I've been doing a bit of reading and could refute pretty much all his stock answers. He suggest that I attent a Bible study if I am genuinely interested and have the 'right condition of heart' - he couldn't explain what the 'right heart condition' actually meant.
It seems the Watchtower love vague nebulous words and phrases because you can never pin them down on what they actually mean. If you accept what they say then you are humble and have the right condition of heart but if you do not then you obviously have the wrong condition of heart - it seems if someone doesn't swallow their bullshit then the fault is with that person's tastes, not the fact that the bullshit stinks.
Any way, I'm just rambling now but I get frustrated how JW's are blind to these massive holes....