Sorry your grandmother is so very ill. She sounds like a loving woman and grandmother.
Want a Revolution: Sorry for your loss as well.
she's in her last stages of luekemia.
she fell a few days ago and she's going downhill.
Sorry your grandmother is so very ill. She sounds like a loving woman and grandmother.
Want a Revolution: Sorry for your loss as well.
everyone knows that people sign up to have the co over for lunch wed. through fri. but in your area, did they (even privately, outside of a sign up sheet) also invite him over sometimes for dinner as well, at all?
is this something that varies by co?.
We used to go up and shake the CO's hand and have money in our palms. We also would give his wife money too, knowing she must be giving up a normal life and all.
Now I am sorry I gave any of them a dime. They just help perpetuate one lie after another.
not to mention the fact that they run a printing corporation and do not need to consult with any committee of bible scholars, they just merely have to say it's so or simply say it's an idea they "{love}" and it becomes fact.
any reason they give must be accepted by the rank and file under the painful threat of being disfellowshipped for being an appostate.. .
My mother was naive also, Roberta. She believed up until right before she died.
as reported from a recent co visit talk: .
the man with the inkhorn is picturing the governing body, who has the task of marking people for salvation ezek.
9:2,4.. it used to be christ's brothers, the remnant, the anointed, and you better help them* or be a goat as per the math:25 judgement.
One preposturous scriptural interpretation after another. They just keep pumping them out. They are amazing!
Unfortunately, it isn't in English and I am a typical American who only speaks English.
oh man what a week!
where to begin?.
so, on mon the 13 th we had our video released by jj/ray of jwstruggle, which is going great and we've had some great supportive comments, but we sent the link to a friend of ours who is a current jw but knows ttatt, and he replies, "why would you do something like that?
I think it is best not to share or distribute Watchtower publications anymore since they will all be "apostate" literature one day. Almost every book they have published is now full "old" teachings.
A similar thing happened to me. I compiled a binder full of Watchtower quotes of things we have changed our views on and that contained statements regarding our false Armageddon predictions, our doctrinal flip flops and the like.
My daughter and my nephew refused to discuss any of it and actually threw the binder full of Watchtower quotes out in the trash.
That is why it is best to avoid the Watchtower publications at all cost. What is truth today is tomorrows "apostacy."
I know you must be upset and feel like the fecal matter has hit the fan and it probably has. The next couple of months will be tough but things will settle down one way or another. I am sorry you have to suffer this, but like me, you were in a cult and have to suffer the consequences of wanting to leave now. There is no honorable way out of this religion.
hi, my name is emmanuel (manny) tovar.
i'm 21 years old, and i've never been a jehovah's witness.
you're probably wondering, then, why am i here?
Welcome truthlover. Use the search feature on this site and search away. There are tons of threads about this subject.
You will be told to read Steve Hassons books. Also look at What an eye opener that web site is.
There are many other wonderful sites also to look at.
Best of luck to you in your noble endeavor. Let us know how you make out. We are very, very insterested.
i really don't understand.
how can any homeowner in his right mind, not have a tornado shelter ???
i understand that some people live in apartments and condos, but someone with any size yard (even a driveway) could have a shelter.. to me it's a no-brainer.
I am 59 years old and have lived in the midwest all my life and never have experienced a tornado touch down near me. Of course, that could all change at almost anytime.
for fu@$ sake.
6000 years of it and still figuring out this universal sovereignty.
gimme a break.
Jesus supposedly died for us, the ransom sacrifice was almost 2000 yrs ago. The ransom was paid, why have the hostages not been released?
Good questions William H. Today is a sad day. I know the Witnesses will say they will/may be resurrected, but that doesn't make it all ok does it?
in a couple of hours i'm going to the doctor - an intervention.
i don't want to be a burdon to my mother, she has her own life to lead with her own responsibilities.
i've always been able to take care of everything for myself.
Glad to hear you went for professional help. Please get out and make friends and watch all the crazy comedy shows you can...standup comiedy, movies, YouTube videos, etc. Make your self laugh. I know it is hard, but you must make yourself do what is good for you, like eating your fruits & veggies.
Let us know how you are doing.