Yes, he is keeping his distance because he knows you could destroy his faith in this cult he's in.
Wish we knew what he really thinks now.
Thanks for sharing. Hope you helped to awaken him.
a few weeks back i ran into an elder at a business meeting out of town.
i had seen him there before when i was a ms. this time i had a chance to tell him that my standing in the congregation had changed and that i was inactive.
he said that sometimes we need to take some time to reevaluate where we stand in the "truth".
Yes, he is keeping his distance because he knows you could destroy his faith in this cult he's in.
Wish we knew what he really thinks now.
Thanks for sharing. Hope you helped to awaken him.
my dear granny hasn't been feeling well for some time and has had a problem keeping anything down.
she had lost a lot of weight and gone for many tests.
those tests came back and on friday we were told she has cancer of the pancreas.
Sounds like you had a great life with your grandmother. Sorry for the bad prognosis. Hopefully she will be kept comfortable. Again, sorry to hear your news, Lou Belle.
my jw daughter called me this afternoon!!!!!
!i am just over the moon.
her hubby not a jw has cancer & was operated on today!!!!.
So, so very happy for you! This was wonderful! I am the mother of astill in daughter, too. My wish is that all our famillies get the H out of that cult!
to further push the young children baptisms take a look at this image:.
Standforpuresorship: The Society teaches that baptism in dedication to Jehovah is the most important decision one will ever make in their life. These little kiddos are not even old enough to be left alone in the house. How can anyone say they are mature and knowledgable enough to make such a serious commitment at such a tender age?
I was baptised at 17. I now know that was too young. I was indoctrinated by the Watchtower's teachings, was under peer pressure and didn't have an accurate account of the Watchtower Society's highly questionable beginnings.
thanks for getting back to me.. i know you may be simply following bible counsel because it answers questions in ways that are emotionally pleasing and require no verification.
people in the bible days could not comprehend their relationship to the physical world so they invented their own explanations.
these explanations tended to be simple, and some were harmful, resulting in religious dogma, which now for example serve as the grounds for you ending our relationship?.
I agree with you 100%, but I don't think your brother will respond favorably to this message. I was very zealously trying to express these sentiments to my still in daughter and almost alienated her completely. To a hard core JW, these truths you expressed so passionately sound like they came right out of big bad ol Satan's mouth.
I hope you can resolve this, I really do. Let us know if or how he responds. Everyone is different, you never know.
this just in from the annual meeting: a new release of the new, improved new world translation of the holy scriptures.
(reposted from
Laughed so hard tears came to my eyes. These are great!
the best conjecture seems to be that the gb are going to drop the literal 144,000 teaching, especially in view of the december watchtower that pointedly does not mention the 144,000 number.
if they are dropping the literal 144,000 number, but still claim that only a small number are anointed, and can partake, and that only a few are left on earth, then it is fair to ask what has really changed?
they are simply clearing up the embarrassing situation that there were obviously more than 144,000 "anointed" believers from 36 ad until now, and that the number of partakers has been increasing in recent years.
It will probably happen in the future, Slimboy. They have to keep shaking things up so the rank and file have something to get excited about. Just wait.
... will the revised version become associated with the name geoffrey jackson?
no doubt it will be kept a "secret" who did the work on the new version, just as it was a "secret" who translated the original nwt.
nevertheless since fred franz was the only likely candidate who could have attempted a bible translation at bethel in 1950 his name will forever be associated with the translation.
The Society likes to keep the names of its writers and translators a secret because they don't have credentials. I suspect this time was the same. They probably just used the old NWT and translated the new one off that. When the NWT came out when I was a small child, they took a lot of heat from Bible scholars over this.
thought i'd start a thread discussing all the scriptures where the watchtower translation committee has taken liberties and abused verses they've translated in the nwt.. worst of all are the numerous places in the christian greek scriptures where 'jehovah' has been inserted where the tetragrammaton or any equivalent of it does not occur in any extant mss and where the context could just as easily mean, or even more likely mean, the identity being spoken of is jesus christ rather than the father.
although in many places out of the 237 in the nt where they have done this the identity is clearly or most probably the father (jehovah) as distinct from the son (jesus), there are dozens of occurrences where this is not the case.. here are a whole lot more scriptures abused by the translators of the nwt, copied from the freeminds website (article written j bowman, scholar):.
adding words.
There will be backlash from Bible scholars on this new translation. People always said to me, "you have your own Bible." It is really going to backfire on them now.
first 30 min announcing a collection of bibles collected from r & f that is to go on display at bethel.
also accounts of how they "miraculously" received bibles that they didn't think they could get - eg.
geneva bible.. now - watchtower study review as there is no meeting tomorrow..
Great post. Good job guys!