Mellow, you are welcomed here. We love our newbies. We look forward to your comments. We are here to help you transition into your new wonderful life.
JoinedPosts by whathappened
Celebrate my first post of many :)
by Mellow inhi everyone, my name is mellow (some names have been changed) lol.
as no doubt many of you were, i was born in.
i am now in my mid 20s living in a jehovah's witness household.
How many have read 'Crisis of Conscience'?
by tornapart infor me it was the book!
it opened my eyes.
i started it thinking it would just enlighten me about how the organisation works.
I did read it but you don't even need to read the whole thing to be convinced that the Watchtower Society is not Gods visible earthly organisation. If you have doubts about leaving before reading it, you won't afterward.
My granny died.
by LouBelle inlast week friday i was delayed in going to work, for which i am glad.
it was an opportunity for me to help my gran one last time.
she thanked me, told me she loved me and that i would be very blessed.
It was very loving of you to be with her at the end. You will never forget that experience. She was fortunate to have had such a devoted granddaughter.
To any JWs watching and reading here, please know this...
by Muddy Waters into any jws watching and reading here, please know thiis:.
.... we know how you must be feeling so bad about being at a website like this, yet inside you are somehow questioning and not wanting to question... relax right now.. your computer won't explode -- reassuring smile -- all you are doing is asking a question or seeking an answer... right?
isn't that how one gains knowledge, finds truth?.
I was terrified to join this board. I thought the Watchtower Society had moles here and that the guys in suits with book bags would come knocking at my doors within hours of joining JWN. Nothing happened, except that I was made to feel 100% sure that my decision to leave the Kingdom Hall was correct. You will learn tons about the "truth" here.
by LucidChimp ini've been lurking here for a year or two now (since i stumbled across ttatt and was stumbled by it), i even started an account some while back and asked a couple of questions.. but i never actually stood up and said hi... so hi, my name's jon and i'm a dubaholic.. .
i was "born in" in the 80s - and grew up on a liquid diet of cheap suits and revelation book pictures (i mean really, group after group just staring at the pictures while not listening, i must have spent more time staring at those pictures than i have any work of art in my life, literally hours at each lurid picture).
i "left" in my teens, but apparently lacking any kind of actual sense, returned to studying with a childhood friend from the congregation in my twenties (although i was never baptised, my entire small family were dubs, so i saw more witnesses than "worldly people" on a regular basis.. they love bombed my arse for years!)..
Welcome to the first stop to recover from being raised around Jehovahs Witnesses. You know the rest. You will learn more about them here than you ever learned inside the walls of the Kingdom Hall.
Average JW's response to new light
by WrongweektostopsniffingGlue in
If they really believed it all along they were apostate!!!
Genesis 21:8 Did Abraham hold a birthday party for Isaac?
by UBM101 inthe child grew and was weaned, and on the day isaac was weaned abraham held a great feast.
Sounds lisuit was party time! In those days, kids breast fed untilthey were three at least.
250,000 Jehovah's Witnesses have died refusing blood
by nicolaou in80+ branch davidian cult members died in waco, texas.
250,000+ #jehovahswitnesses have died refusing blood.
stop this #cult!
I know personally several people who died refusing blood. I would bet the suicide rate is very high also in JW land.
Field Service again????
by Gojira_101 in
watch it through to the end.. .
Yes, I would always get stuck riding in the very back of a minivan with regular pioneers who had return visits that lasted thirty minutes each. At the end of the morning, they would comment about how I didn't make any calls or place any literature. It made me feel like a loser and like I was wasting my time.
Another thing I hated was gravel driveways. I would ruin a new pair of shoes after only wearing them one time. They got all scraped up. What a waste of my time and resources field service was.
Dont get me started on the BEWARE OF DOGS signs.
by ADJUSTMENTS init irks me when i read in the watchtower do not use secular sources or the internet to do research... but in that very same wt it will quote a secular source or literature to prove a point!
how hypocritical!!!
it's all apart of their limited information mind control!
It has been noted that the Watchtower publications take quotes out of context to boost their viewpoinprominent wouldn't want you to research this yourself and see it with your own eyes would they?