Oh I am loving this thread! Will copy and put in my apostate evidence binder.
JoinedPosts by whathappened
JW Preaching Work Ends in 20th Century ?
by Scorpion inpage 12 of the january 1,1989 wt original magazine paragraph 8 ends with the statement that the apostle paul's missionary activity laid a foundation for a work that would be completed in our 20th century.".
(a subtle prophecy that 'the end' will come by the year 2000 a.d.).
this sentence is changed in the bound volume reprint to read "a work that would be completed in our day.
Humor can help heal the pain of shunning
by Watchtower-Free inhumor can help a person deal with extreme.
emotional pain like shunning.
i don't mean to take away from this group at all .. .
Will check it out. Love JW humor.
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-03-2013 WT Study (REMINDERS)
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 11-03-2013 wt study (september 15, 2013, pages 7-11)(gods reminders trustworthy).
wt publications http://www.a2z.org/wtarchive/archive.htm (old).
(christians = only jws).
Thanks, dear Blondie.
JW Match Dating
by minimus inhave you seen it?
there are some fine brothers and sisters just waiting for a hookup!
check it out..
I was on JW Match and could not believe the desperation factor. Got off quite quickly. I recommend okcupid.
"Not Easily Broken" as an eyelid opener for a spouse?
by NeverKnew innot if your spouse is totally indoctrinated but maybe for one with an eyelid open?....
i was asked to watch the movie "not easily broken" with morris chestnut and taraji henson.
i believe my focus was supposed to be on the results of a couple losing sight of the proverbial threefold cord but as the movie progressed, i was struck by something quite different.. the wife is completely caught up with the perceptions of her peer group, the husband has grown weary of fighting for his wife's attention and affection and lastly we have a meddling mother-in-law whose influence over the daughter heavily contributes to the downward spiral of the marriage.
I will keep my eyes open for this movie.
Aah sweet rebellion.
by Captain Blithering insat on the platform reading the wt and simultaneously posting to jwn.
a beard and a tablet on the platform, whatever next?
do i get a badge?
Chuckle of the Day sponsored by Captain Blithering!
Need help! Atheists/creationists/agnostics whatever
by DS211 inok guys i need help.
for all those atheists or agnostics or maybe christian science people--what are some great sites to explore our existence, the universe, bible history and archaeology, pretty much all one needs to make a decision on their beliefs.
lets show the lurking jws that we can collaborate on something, and help a confused fading jw (me) explor his options and actually research.
Google "the pink atheist" and "the thinking atheist."
My wife is truly a non-jw...
by Jim_TX ina little bit of background (for those of you who came in late).... i used to be a jw (no joke!).
i married a jw wife.
we were married for about 20 years, and i couldn't take it anymore - since i was no longer a jw, and didn't believe in their doctrines anymore.. i got divorced in 2002. since that time, i was solo, and then met a nice non-jw woman.
You married a verysmart woman! Congrats!
I had a double pleasure. Not only did I throw my own personal JW library into the dumpster, loose, unwrapped so that it came into contact with the other garbage, but when my mom passed away a year ago, I tossed her entire collection into the dumpster. Double the pleasure, double the fun!
In the dumpster is where the Watchtower literature belongs.
Ran into a witnessing table at the park today
by confusedandalone ini just got in from my daughters homecoming(she is a cheerleader and these guys make a huge deal out of this stuff).
they play 3 football games of various age groups.
it starts at 8 in the morning and just ended at 1:30. i just got in the house literally 5 minutes ago and i had to share.
They really take their ministry seriously, don't they? ...NOT!!!
Mother Forces 5 Year-Old Son To . . .
by Zandor incan anyone here, lay person or professional describe or give insights into the effects the following has on a child?.
when my friend, the middle child of 3 siblings, was five years old, his mother took him by the hand and led him to the house where his father was having an affair with another woman.
she opened the door to confront her husband who was actually in the act of having sex with the other woman, and deliberately exposed her young son to this drama.. .