I will make it a point to check out your YouTube videos. Keep up the good work!
JoinedPosts by whathappened
Apostasy: Year Two
by Londo111 inhttp://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/242023/1/a-year-in-the-e2809capostasye2809d#.un6uaxb1kso.
today is my two-year anniversary of joining jwn.
whats new with me?
Unflipping believeable
by KariOtt ini just found out my sister in law gives each pioneer $50.00 every month to help cover their gas.
she wont take a .99 cent chapstick from me and when ever i attempt to do something for her she pitches a fit.
and my hubby still has the nerve to say that those who do not believe in their so called truth are not treated any differently than those who do believe.
Well, some people are like that. She is trying to pay her way in with the self righteous members of her hall.
JW religion = progressive apostacy
by AlphaMan inthe jw religion is so against any members who they think are apostate against their beliefs.
if any member even questioned current beliefs or speculated that scriptures could mean something else, then they would de df'd as an apostate.. the governing body makes changes in jw doctrinal beliefs all the time.
why are they not df'd for apostacy?.
I cannot disagree with you on any of theses points. Hippocrates?
Yes, we wish you and your family well.
The elder said to me, "You're not supposed to take that seriously."
by Julia Orwell inhe's been to my door a couple of times as they've done the territory and said hello and all that, a nice, clean-shaven version of santa clause.
he was with a sister, a mild, pleasant intelligent sister with whom i always got on well, and we had a bit of a simple pleasantries-exchanging chat while my husband ran off and hid in the house like he normally does when jws come.. we got onto the sister's university studies and i said, "but at the dc they lumped university education in with fornication and every terrible thing!".
shaved santa pipes up suddenly, "oh, you're not meant to take that seriously.
That brother just said what many JWs are too passive to admit.
Drop the bomb!
by apocalypse ini had a chance to drop a bomb on a 'bro' that i have known many years.
you should'a been there.. (this is the second time in less than 2 months i have dropped this particular bomb on a bro and in this manner).
before i tell the story, which you will enjoy, note that i have remained "in" the org for many years after finding out the ttatt.. 1) for the sake of family (limited time left).
Balter, thanks for the link and thank you Apocalypse and Welcome!
JW Preaching Work Ends in 20th Century ?
by Scorpion inpage 12 of the january 1,1989 wt original magazine paragraph 8 ends with the statement that the apostle paul's missionary activity laid a foundation for a work that would be completed in our 20th century.".
(a subtle prophecy that 'the end' will come by the year 2000 a.d.).
this sentence is changed in the bound volume reprint to read "a work that would be completed in our day.
Oh I am loving this thread! Will copy and put in my apostate evidence binder.
Humor can help heal the pain of shunning
by Watchtower-Free inhumor can help a person deal with extreme.
emotional pain like shunning.
i don't mean to take away from this group at all .. .
Will check it out. Love JW humor.
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-03-2013 WT Study (REMINDERS)
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 11-03-2013 wt study (september 15, 2013, pages 7-11)(gods reminders trustworthy).
wt publications http://www.a2z.org/wtarchive/archive.htm (old).
(christians = only jws).
Thanks, dear Blondie.
JW Match Dating
by minimus inhave you seen it?
there are some fine brothers and sisters just waiting for a hookup!
check it out..
I was on JW Match and could not believe the desperation factor. Got off quite quickly. I recommend okcupid.