I hope you and your mom will both be all right. Hopefully she is young enough to pull through this.
JoinedPosts by whathappened
My Mom is in the hospital
by JeffT inmy mother broke her hip last week.
she had an emergency partial replacement surgery friday night.
we don't know how she did it as we have caregivers with her at all times, she may have fallen while in the bathroom for a few minutes.
One of the big reasons I left the JW Cult
by Still Totally ADD inhe would love to see you.
i would tell them please come out anyway he would just love to see you.
i saw the lack of love and could not believe it.
Why am I not shocked and surprised by this account??? Oh, yes, I am familiar with Jehovah's loving organisation.
Has a critical mass of exJWs been reached?
by truthseeker init took the better part of 15 years but i believe we have finally arrived at that point where there is now a critical mass of former witnesses.. thousands of exjws come together on forums like this one and discuss findings, ideas and research.
there have been documentaries and even a movie made about life in the jehovah's witnesses.. ex jw websites, online forums, and discussion boards that set the wheels in motion in the early to late 90s have matured into powerful tools of social change within the organization.. the lies and false doctines taught by the watchtower bible & tract society are plainly accessible with just a cursory google search.. active elders leak boe letters, often weeks before they hit the notice board in a kingdom hall.. social media has allowed exjws to connect with those still in as well as those who have left.. the society have no game plan because information is power and they have lost the information war.
all they can do is cry wolf and warn the rank and file not to listen to apostates.. i don't know what future the society will face in the next ten years, but changing world events, social trends, and reactionary change from headquarters based on their own faulty biblical chronology has got them cornered like a raging animal.. it doesn't look good..
I hope to Live to see the Watchtower Society close it's doors. I am doing all I can do tell everyone who will listen ttatt.
by Jon Preston inwell my wife asked me loint blank..."do you wanna be a witness anymore?
" and i told her no.. .
we then went into 1914 and shunning and 1975 and she said sheswondered many times about it.. anyways she said "so what do we do now?
This is the second post tonight I have read with wonderful news about people leaving! Fabulous news!
Victory in Defeat !
by cookiemaster inmaybe you guys remember that in january, i shared here our situation with the ongoing conflict with the ms that was conducting the wt study in our home.
well, my parents decided to talk to the elders about it.
the last time he held the study in our home he really said some insulting things during it.
Nice! Hope your parents totally awaken also. That would be best for all concerned.
Letting JESUS refute the Watch Tower blood policies
by Terry inletting jesus refute the watch tower blood policies.
the watch tower bible and tract society represent itself as christian.. it represents its theology and policies as direct from jehovah god through his son, jesus christ.. further, the governing body of this corporation interposes itself between the mediator, jesus, and the rest of jehovah's (christian) witnesses for the purpose of "feeding them (spiritual) food at the proper time.. the official word of jesus christ is represented in the watch tower's policy on blood transfusions.. in 1998 this statement was made:.
jehovah's witnesses do not accept whole blood, or major components of blood, namely, red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma.
Glad I kept to my usual rule and made sure to read your post. They are all worthwhile.
Were you a minor when you were baptized
by Watchtower-Free in.
17 years old...that was in 1971. I wanted to be baptised before Armageddon came in 1975!
Hello - mentally out, physically in...
by Bluefluff ini have been lurking for a while but was encouraged to sign up by a user on the ex jw reddit forum.
i'm a still in jw but i've been mentally out for about two months.
i'm an ms and i'm also gay so i have two lots of 'coming out' to do very soon!.
Welcome, Bluefluff. You can count on us to encourage you to gain freedom.
Update on my fade
by Jon Preston ini apologize for the strangeness of my topics of late.
im in antight spot.
i havent been to a meeting for over a month...wife is sick again and wants me to attend but i am having the most difficilt time getting motivated to go...i mean every molecule in my body wants to stay home..but ive got an elder friend texting to ask if we are going and another asking for our service reports....grrr.
Hang in there and be true to yourself. If you do something you really don't want to do it is not healthy for you. Why are you punishing yourself? The JWs are the ones who are wrong!
Hardcore JW Friend Predicts the End of the Organization within 10 years.
by kneehighmiah inhad a conversation with an aspiring elder.
he said the end must be close because people are so discouraged that the organization can't last more than 10 years.
this is before we received the please come to the international convention letter.
Very well summed up, Oubliette!