thankyou ronwashington for wasting your post on something I already know. got the point. Old news but now noticed by other attourneys.
thankyou ronwashington for wasting your post on something I already know. got the point. Old news but now noticed by other attourneys.
i'm really struggling with this.
i gave up smoking a few months back and have put on around 20lbs already.
i've gone up another dress size and i wasn't slim to begin with!
1. Eat until you feel satisfied instead of eating until your full; and
2. Exercise 30 min a day (e.g. go walking).
The hardest part of any diet is sticking to it. If you can stick to this for at least two weeks, it will then become natural and routine to you.
jw leaks has published the latest court documents, in pdf, relating to "candace conti v the watchtower bible and tract society of new york" as filed on november 16, 2012.. the watchtower society motion to substitute or reduce bond on appeal is denied..
I doubt traveler's will take colateral on properties outside of the U.S. Makes you wonder what buildings they may have put up for the bond. Traveler's aint gonna bond em for the total property is going to have to be much more valuble than the the cash they are putting up. property doesn't pay bills (atleast not in this market) pays bills.
i've heard elders say more than once that if the congregation isn't productive, there is probably an apostate in the midst; since the holy spirit doesn't seem to be upon the congregation.
anyone ever hear similar claims before?.
I've heard Elders say more than once that if the congregation isn't productive, there is probably an apostate in the midst; since the holy spirit doesn't seem to be upon the congregation. Anyone ever hear similar claims before?
i just came from the meeting and was told that the new world translation is the best in the world according to jason beduhn.
the nwt does go all the way back to the original languages.
the nwt does not change words to support doctrines.
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Jason David BeDuhn, Ph.D. is an historian of religion and culture, currently Professor of Religious Studies at Northern Arizona University.
Beduhn holds a B.A. in Religious studies from the University of Illinois, Urbana, an M.T.S. in New Testament and Christian Origins from Harvard Divinity School, and a Ph.D. in the Comparative Study of Religions from Indiana University, Bloomington. He first gained brief national attention [citation needed] at the age of 18 when remarks he made in a speech to the high school graduating class of Rock Island, Illinois, sharply critical of oppressive attitudes towards youth by older generations of Americans, were widely reported in the American press. He defended his remarks in subsequent radio and television appearances by pointing to the historical contribution of youth to social idealism and cultural innovation.
He won the Best First Book Award from the American Academy of Religion in 2001 for his book The Manichaean Body in Discipline and Ritual (ISBN 0-8018-6270-1), notable for its analysis of religions as goal-oriented systems of practice rationalized within particular models of reality [1]. His second book,Truth in Translation: Accuracy and Bias in English Translations of the New Testament, has generated considerable controversy for highlighting cases of theological bias in the translation process, by which, he argues, contemporary Christian views are anachronistically introduced into the Bible versions upon which most modern English-speaking Christians rely.
He was named a Guggenheim Fellow in 2004 List of Guggenheim Fellowships awarded in 2004.
the january wt study edition has an article about staying close to jehovah.
i noticed this in paragraphs 14 and 15:.
14, 15. why must we not look to the financial system for security?
Comparing Investors to Traders is like comparing Apples to Oranges. Nowhere was the term investing used in Alex's experience...the WT added that at the end.
the january wt study edition has an article about staying close to jehovah.
i noticed this in paragraphs 14 and 15:.
14, 15. why must we not look to the financial system for security?
Even if the Alex story is true, it is still typical JW jargon. It is true that there are very few successful traders compared to unsuccessful traders. However, the ones that are unsuccessful always blame it on something else. In this instance, Satan's system. And, it makes for a good experience for WT to print.
a practical question concerning human psychology .
it very well be that it was the jws who were.
responsible for first approaching this posing question to people to incite their interest and concern.. i can confidently say it was for my 20 something year old mother back in the early 50's.. unfortunately people who did so, weren't completely discerning the probable commercial .
1. you are the donkey
2. living forever on paradise earth with no suffering is the desired carrot on a string dangling in front of you
3. armageddon is the person whipping you and yelling, "if you stop running after the carrot, there will be no more carrot"
realizing that there was no carrot or voice to begin with = freedom
Accepting the above solution is the easy part since it only takes a few thinking skills to figure out. However, wanting freedom will hold you emotionally hostage to the organization since your family will cut you off and make you feel like it's your fault. Your family's love becomes the carrot, and the organization is the one doing the whipping and yelling.
No matter what happens, your ass becomes the designated hub for supposed "friends and family". Atleast if you fade, you might get a reach around.