So no one here is concerned about Canadian political brainwashing...
according to this article:.
harpers government???
pu-leeease...harper is not even a ruling majority!.
So no one here is concerned about Canadian political brainwashing...
But seriously, koolaid-man...I listened to your audio tape of the actual committee meeting with you.
I was shocked to hear how the commitee blatantly defended the child-molesters. Actually asking you how you would feel if you were disciplined in front of the congregation as a known child molester. To that I would ask the elders, how would you feel if you were a victim of child-abuse and the congregation elders did not defend the victim; instead the molester was defended. Because that is what the elders really do.
I agree that the pedophilia list is important. The public and the congregation members need to know and deserve to know. Public knowledge of this list might help the felon face the heinous nature of his crime.
For elders to keep silent is to enable the criminal to continue his sick criminal behavior.
Overall, it seems to me tthat the elders had their minds made up before going into the meeting. I know what that feels like. It happened to me, too.
At the time it felt like a terrible injustice. My two kids shun me now. What you say about inciting hatred is true of the JWs.
Truth be known, I now admit I am better off out of the JWs, even if it is without my kids.
I feel much healthier these days.
Thanks for sharing this painful story.
"Thanks for the 'come back offer" ... but you know, ....I found steak, I found prime rib. Why would I ever come back to baloney?"
Loved it!
ok i listened in on the phone last night to the co's talk after the book study.
i am truly starting to realize that otwo is right and it is just making me more depressed and mad.
but my husband still goes and it is helpful to be able to bring things up with him.. so i was half listening when he starts to go on about where the money goes that we put into the world wide work box at the back of the hall.. i started to tune in more and he was going on and on about how the ones in the full time service do not have any money and how what we give is what keeps them going and how we need to give.
I guess the CO didn't mention the $$$ in legal bills to hide the sex scandals.
Or the lobbying dollars to provide good press, "The Watchtower is Most Popular Magazine in the World"
hi, im paula from wales, uk.
ive been studying for 6 years with jws.
they came at a vulnerable time, my best friend died in a car accident when she was 6 monthes pregnant, i was drinking heavily, no work due to agoraphobia, meddling with the ouija board etc....i felt they helped me, cured me if you like.
Welcome Pam's Girl!
I suggest you talk to your family doctor. Tell her/him what you told us.
Some counselling might be a good start ... to get things put into perspective.
been listening for quite a while to the many conversations found here on this forum.
i'm a good listener as my friends will tell you.. i am a born in jw, inactive for at least 2 years now.
i originally joined this forum to find out what my husband was "up to".
Hi and Welcome Applehippie!
I thought if I asked for help it would get fixed. Hmmm. I was told to go home and be a better wife.
Yours is a common story coming from sisters. I was told that as well---must be the standard answer when sisters complain about conditions on the home front. It is belittling to have our feelings negated; in fact it feels more like blame instead of support, doesn't it?
Glad to have you with us, sista!
when i was first appointed i did, not me myself, but the body as a whole.
good group of spiritual men.
at first a pleasure to serve with them.
here i am - born in truth, hard-core spiritual everything all my life, early, ms, elder, assembly parts, tour at bethel, etc, married now...... i'm trying to examine jw teachings a little closer...... i've spent the last two weeks reading many many posts, info , references on where ex-jw's are coming from.
i'm kind of concerned about a few things lately..... honestly - some points make sense to me - some don't - here are my general thoughts:.
-wt getting un membership for access to library - doesnt bother me - some passports and other governement documents have similar forms and requirements..... -blood issue - some counterpoints to the jw 'rules' makes sense (original intent of scripture is unbled animals, white blood cells similar in mothers milk) etc -however a lot of 'apostate' reasonings and proof are inaccurate.
3.8 GPA ... now!
It's never too late!
according to this article:.
harpers government???
pu-leeease...harper is not even a ruling majority!.
According to this article:
Harper’s Government??? Pu-leeease...Harper is not even a ruling majority!
Besides, whatever happened to "We the people"?
But really, to be honest, I have heard that expression many times in the news. Perhaps it is Harper propaganda running amok. If Canada "belongs" to Harper, then we are no longer a democracy. Is he the world's newest Dictator?
Just my Canadian political 2 cents. What's your opinion?
Bruce Cheadle The Canadian Press
OTTAWA—It’s official: Stephen Harper rules.
And lest anyone forgets, a directive went out to public servants late last year that “Government of Canada” in federal communications should be replaced by “Harper Government.”
Public servants from four different line departments told The Canadian Press the instruction came from “the Centre” — meaning the Prime Minister’s Office and the Privy Council Office that serves the Prime Minister.
None would speak on the record for fear of retribution. It’s a well-grounded concern given the treatment of a senior government scientist who was fired in 2006 after rebelling against a directive to use “Canada’s new government” in government communications.
Andrew Okulitch was subsequently reinstated after his story went public, and the Conservatives finally retired the “Canada’s new government” handle after 21 months in office.
The “Harper Government” moniker rose to prominence in 2009, when its use was noted in light of a controversy over Conservative MPs posing with giant, mock government cheques bearing the party logo and MPs’ signatures. The mock cheques were consigned to the dustbin, and the “Harper Government” handle went into partial hibernation.
Since December, “Harper Government” has returned with a vengeance, sprouting like mushrooms across departmental communications.
The Prime Minister’s Office did not immediately respond to a request for comment on why the new messaging has been implemented.
Scores of news releases — from the Canada Revenue Agency to Fisheries and Oceans, Finance, International Trade, Health Canada and Industry Canada — are all headlined by “Harper Government” actions.
Even the Treasury Board Secretariat is using the term.
The Treasury Board is the federal department charged with policing government communications policy, including the Federal Identity Program — which to a layman’s eyes appears to forbid such off-handed personalization in government titles.
Among other things, the policy states “the criteria for creating an applied title include that it must: incorporate the word Canada or appear with the words Government of Canada ...”
Treasury Board spokesman Robert Bousquet said by email “the use of the expression ‘Harper Government’ is not prohibited by either the Treasury Board’s Federal Identity Program Policy nor the communications policy of the Government of Canada.”
Bousquet added: “In fact, it’s factual in that it is the government of the day.”
Journalists routinely use “Harper government” to describe Conservative government actions. But the moniker’s employment by the government itself is raising hackles among more than just some straight-laced civil servants.
“It is one thing for journalists or even the public to use the more partisan ‘Harper government,’ but it is another thing for the state to equate the Government of Canada with the leader of the governing party,” said Jonathon Rose, a specialist in political communications at Queen’s University.
He notes such language is expressly forbidden under an Ontario law that prohibits partisanship in government messaging.
“The effect of this subtle framing just before an election is to equate government with Harper,” said Rose. “It creates a perception of a natural affinity between one party’s leader and the act of governing.”
The Harper-centric messaging prompted Rose to recall French King Louis XIV and his 17th century divine right of kings: “L’État, c’est moi,” quipped the political scientist. “The state is me.”
But Mel Cappe, a former clerk of the Privy Council, finds nothing amusing in the development.
“It is not the Harper Government,” Cappe said in an interview, tersely enunciating each word. “It is the Government of Canada.
“It’s my government and it’s your government.”
Have I got a story for you!.................nah, just kidding around...