ahh, I see... or not... A disappearing act.
ahh, I see... or not... A disappearing act.
What are you trying to say, truthseeker?
whenever a newbie signs on...my heart skips a beat.
i wonder if it might be my son?
my daughter?
Whenever a newbie signs on...My heart skips a beat. I wonder if it might be my son? my daughter? an old friend from the past?
Anybody else feel like this?
Has anyone experienced finding out someone you used to know has since left the JWs?
well i have been lurking for the past couple of weeks and have finally decided to create an account.
just wanted to introduce myself and relate my life story in the borg, specifically from the past few weeks- which i think has been a lot easier than many on the board.
anyway, my mum began to study when i was 10 (2005) and since then has been babtized; she strongly believes it is the truth.
WELCOME to the forum, Iseenow!
what would you do to disconnect from the jehovah's witnesses?
some actually go as far as commiting a wrong to deliberately get disfellowshipped.. the disfellowshipping becomes their "ticket to ride" right out of the organization.
former jehovah's witness carrie was not happy growing up in the so called "truth".
No need for all the drama.
I say just leave!
today's wt lesson: serving jehovah with all seriousness, excerpt from paragraph 11:.
"if a brother has been baptized at least one year and to a reasonable degree meets the scriptural qualifications for ministerial servants outlined at 1 timothy 3:8-13, he can be recommended for appointment.".
how often have you seen someone become a ministerial servant one year after baptism?
*sigh* that means my son must be an elder by now.
yes, i too have wondered how an assembly that is held in a fully paid for assembly hall, with no food service, could possibly have $10,000 in expenses.
i suppose the bethel speakers have transportation expenses - maybe $1000 or so.
as for rent on the assembly hall, well you have already paid for it once, why pay again?
Why don't they just charge a damned admission fee????
Awww c'mon, you know the answer to that question, but it had to be asked.
And the clue to the answer is:
It has everything to do with being sheeple
like a creep, i've popped out of nowhere and i've been throwing my 2 around all over this forum.
i'm sorry it's such a long post.
i hesitated and delayed writing it knowing it'd be long.
Welcome to the forum! (((Hugs Velour)))
Painful story like so many here about damage and abuse from the religion.
if you are afraid to join the forum and enter discussions, believe me -- we understand.. if you're feeling all alone, this message is especially for you.. sometimes people refrain from joining and posting because certain posts or threads really upset or offend them.
or maybe you're reluctant to jump in because you see interesting threads get hijacked or go off in all sorts of confusing directions and you don't want that to happen to you.. if that's you, i suggest you join and start with private messages (pms) instead.
doing it that way, you can correspond one-on-one with posters you feel most comfortable with.. how do you choose who to pm?
I lurked for a long time before I finally came on board. Glad I did, though.
The JWs sure know how to isolate one another. It's meant to break your spirit.
i would like to hear people's opinions on intolerant religious groups?
who wins?.
somehow, i have this notion that pentecostals would win 1st place, followed by baptists, followed by jw's.
dgp: Thanks. I follow your line of reasoning.
Unfortunately, a patriarchy is still a patriarchy. OPPRESSIVE
I for one don't like how OPPRESSION in the form of shunning feels.