I married a JW at the KH with all the fan fare. That ended with her having several affairs before I could forgive no more and divorced after 6 years. I met my second wife in a bar 18 years ago. We married a year later. She studied the first year and was soon babtized. All to make me happy. However, her honest questions about the organization and honest assessments of the organization eventually turned me around. We still have a strong marraige and have been inactive for about five years now. We haven't gone to other churches, but do keep up our bible ready and prayer. Not yet sure where we go from here, but being free of a cult that held me since I was a small child is unbelievable liberating. It's like I am reading the bible for the first time. It's amazing how many strings were attached to me while in the org. I have my wife to thank for my spiritual freedom and that of my children and grandchildren.
JoinedPosts by torrent
Is there anyone out there who married a non jW...?how did it turn out for ?Are u happy?
by Chichi89 inplease be honest....did love conquer it all?.
how did u make it work?.
by Iamallcool ini have been seeing alot of ttatt lately here on this board.
who started it?
Who On This Site Would You Like To Meet?
by minimus inthere are a lot of interesting people that frequent this site.. sometimes, we get an idea of what the posters are really like in "real life".
and i'm sure i could be easily surprised by some that you think might be strong personalities because of their board presence, and in reality, they might be shy in a face to face setting.. i would enjoy meeting simon.
simon used to be terribly annoyed by my posting and now i think he's accepted with tolerance my being here.. farkel seems like a grouchy cantankerous fellow but i think he'd be very interesting company!.
Email exchange with a JW MS that I used to know
by loosie ini have to laugh at this email exchange had with an ms i used to know.
a little background first so you will understand why i was amd at him.
about 25 years or so ago we dated fro about 2 weeks.
by Iamallcool ini have been seeing alot of ttatt lately here on this board.
who started it?
New Member
by Twisty inhi.
my wife and myself are active witnesses.. before i go into great depth about our past and what brings me here, i would like to make sure i am posting this in the right section.. i'm a little technologically retarded so please bear with me.. .
Welcome Twisty,
I can totally relate to your story, like many here. I was raised in the org and did all the right stuff until a few years ago. CoC was a big motivator for me. I still keep Ray's book by my bedside and refer to it when I get grief from my family that is still in. When I faded, my wife and kids were only too happy to fade with me. You are fortunate to have your wife by your side. Many folks here didn't have that help. You two are on the beginning of an exciting, but scary, journey (if it is anything like I have been through). It is a totally refreshing experience to read the bible without the cloak of the society covering things up.
Like others here, I caution you about being too outspoken about your new freedom. I was just like you and thought I didn't care what anyone in the org or my family thought. I made the mistake of mentioning CoC to my brother and his wife, and just went through a whole summer of grief with my family. In the end, I realized they were happy not knowing. My folks are retired and the only freinds they have are in the org. Even though my dad was asked to step down from being an elder, he and my mom are comfortable with their JW friends.
I wish you two the best.
Telling family / friends about researching JW religion
by dozy inwhen a jw husband of a friend of mine found out that she had been researching online about jehovah's witnesses , he described it as a "breach of trust" and a legitimate reason to break up the marriage (or at least separate , citing the wtbts "spiritual danger clause").. thankfully my own wife has been more understanding but is this kind of reaction common?
and is it in some way justified on the basis that snooping around online , talking to others on messageboards , not from day one telling one's mate etc is perhaps dishonest?
It is definitely common for family members to act this way. I think most are so entrenched/attached that it may not be possible for them to even consider that their religion is not the one and only true religion.
I am going through a situation with my family now that will surely result in an elder(s) call, even though I haven't been to a meeting in over two years. I mentioned some doubts I had and the research I had been doing to my brother and his wife. She promptly told my folks and the wildfire of gossip has spread to the extent that I have heard that I am an apostate, my wife is dragging me away (she has no interest either way), that my brother's exwife in another town is responsible, That I am having an affair and am splitting up with my wife, and on and on. My wife thinks it's funny, but I am not real happy about it. I have chosen to keep waiting until someone decides to confront me, whether that is my family or the elders. I plan to be kind, but honest when that happens. I have no problem with anyone who stays in the Org, but it is just not for me.
I think that if one displays the true christian spirit of love and forgiveness that Christ displayed, that it is the only chance one has of helping these people understand because that spirit is not promoted by the organization. The WTB wants to control and manipulate.
New Elders Book
by torrent incan someone send me the new elders book in pdf or through a web link?
New Elders Book
by torrent incan someone send me the new elders book in pdf or through a web link?
by foodalls ini have been noticing people posting on this site have a "deep" spiritual desire, but don't quite know how to find it, or where it is at.. this beg the question...do we need to be involved with a "religion" to find "spirituality"...especially an "organized religion"???.
anyone that has there eyes open can see that all religion is loosing their influence over people around the world...i spent 47 years thinking i was in the "truth" being one of jw's!
and now that i am out...and looking back from the "outside"...all i see is that its just another religion...filled with all the "control-grid" stuff found in any other group.. worse yet...they are worse than other religions...so it begs an answer..is there such thing as a "true religion"???.
Still trying to figure this one out myself. The scriptures tell us not to forsake the gathering of ourselves, thus inferring the need to meet. However, I don't think it needs to be in a church or hall where most people are interested in making a showy display than actually learning and growing spiritually. I think this website is one way of gathering, even though there may be some people here that don't want to carry on a mature or serious conversation. I think some people are just too bitter about their experience with the jw's, or maybe they just want to quit on christianity altogether. I was raised in the org, am in my mid-40's, and am inactive. I don't consider any of that wasted time, but rather, just a start to my journey.