Its all about "Numerology" a fasinating subject. Charles T. Russel was big into this and was really on to something with, but when he died, so did that with him..but numerology has a place within our relm of things. Its a subject worth looking at...and the Date of 11/11/11 WILL hold some REAL Blesings for all "Spiritually Inclined" people. Eleven is a VERY POWERFUL number second to 21 or 23...Look forward to that date!
JoinedPosts by foodalls
Did anyone else find this intriguing/fascinating about this year 2011 and the year of your birth?
by StoneWall inby now you've probably seen the following dates tossed around that will happen in this year:.
but something i wasn't aware of and my brother-in-law showed me about the year 2011:.
take the last 2 digits of the year of your birth and add it to how old you are/will be in this year(2011) and it should always equal 111.. to illustrate, i was born in 1967 and will be 44 this year.
The Gloves Are Off - Its Official Round 1 has just taken place .. !!!!
by sleepingbeauty ini woke up today a right grumpy basket case.... not a good day for the jehovah's witness to call on me to do there usual shepherding call, bringing me the usual mags of shite!
i stood there on the doorstep in my pj's, care free and all fired up.
i was asked how i was doing & then informed that they had my latest mags.
Thank You Timothy Riches!...Loved that post you left on Christopher Hitchins piece...YOU are on the RIGHT track...ALL Religion destroys "Spirituality" and seperates Mankind from God...Their days are numbered because people all over the world are waking up to it...I SEE IT HERE!
How Many People Are Still Happy That They Married Their Mate?
by minimus ini know of someone that has made no bones about being somewhat unhappily married.
they got married because they "fooled around" and felt it was the "right thing to do".. i wonder how many people are unhappily married?
I was married for 23 years before finding out about her "Infidelity" in a rather shocking way...with one of who I thought was a "Best Friend" (With friends like this who needs enemies!!!) But my wife was a victom of a "Pediphile" father that was having sex with 2 of his daughters while they were growing up at a very young age...and my brother in the flesh was married to this other sister of my wife! This so-called father of these 2 girls was an elder in the congregation most of this time too!
He was NEVER dealt with over it and is now out and inactive(Sorta Sneaked out!)...When I found out that the borg was "Crawling" with pediphiles in a San Francisco newspaper one morning after we had been divorced for 8 can imagine my shock! I then figured out WHY my wife seemed so "Fridget" about sex most of our life together for 23 years. We did raise 3 children to adulthood that came out alright for the most part (But they are still in the borg! ...I'm now happily engaged to a woman in the Philippines that is a real charmer and will be bringing her over here after we are married over there. So I still believe in LOVE and marriage even thought I lived in a "Turbulent' one from before in the so-called "Truth"???
Everytime i tried to address this issue to my elders about the pediphiles running wild in the borg...they would attack ME for bringing it up!...3 times I tried with the same results!
Thats when I got "Serious" about investigating ALL Religion and found out what I did about it...FOR 8 YEARS!...Now I have found a "New Reality" about "Spirituality"...You do nOT have to be in a "Religion" to Please GOD...I'm seeing that here in this Forum...MORE POWER TO YOU BROTHER'S AND SISTER'S!
The Gloves Are Off - Its Official Round 1 has just taken place .. !!!!
by sleepingbeauty ini woke up today a right grumpy basket case.... not a good day for the jehovah's witness to call on me to do there usual shepherding call, bringing me the usual mags of shite!
i stood there on the doorstep in my pj's, care free and all fired up.
i was asked how i was doing & then informed that they had my latest mags.
I wished everyone that still hanging on by "Threads" would be as "SleepingBeauty" is and just LEAVE with NO remorse!...There is nothing about them to hold on too! Thats the way I did it too...and folks it easier than you think to find new friends! I'm the ONLY member in my whole famiy that is not in the Borg...but I work on them constantly via email to help them see how crazy it is to keep selling that "Horse Pucky" they keep doing!
Just don't have any second thought ever about your choice to leave because there is NOTHING to second guess about! I feel more at peace with myself having left them and have found a "New Reality" since then!....YOU GO SISTER!!!
have you ever.....
by deservingone26 inive lived in arizona all my life and lately been thinking alot about moving to another state.
im thinking san diego right now and am currently saving to move hopefully this summer in june or july .
so have any of you ever moved somewhere brand new where u knew no one, no family or friends, i think it would be nice to have a fresh start and new environment i.
Ventura is not bad, but its still too close to LA...I lived in Santa Barbara for 10 years so its still much nicer than any other coast community...but it is better than LA!
You ever go through extended moments where nothing satisfies you, to the point you wouldn't mind dying?
by miseryloveselders indon't get me wrong, this isn't a call for help or anything like that.
i'm not about to do anything stupid, just feeling a little down and exhausted tonight.
i feel defeated, even though i don't feel as if i'm battling anything.
Dear Amelia Ashton...I know a LOT of people I can connect you with to help you feel not so "Alone"...if you are interested in makin new friends just email me at [email protected] I know some very wonderful people I net with and talk to over the phone...i know you will like them oK?
have you ever.....
by deservingone26 inive lived in arizona all my life and lately been thinking alot about moving to another state.
im thinking san diego right now and am currently saving to move hopefully this summer in june or july .
so have any of you ever moved somewhere brand new where u knew no one, no family or friends, i think it would be nice to have a fresh start and new environment i.
San Diego is a WAS nice place to live when I moved there about 25 years ago...BUT NOT NOW!!! There is sooooooo much traffic between LA and San Diego it "Maddening" to drive around the two California is "Bankrupt" and you will find it VERY HARD to find work there brother unless you have very specific talents that are NEEDED for that state, forget it!
I moved up to Portland Oregon from there about 6 years ago and its been much better here...but if you must move to California..go to the 'Central Coast' of it...its much more beautiful and a LOT less crowded...Only you have to have an "Upper-Class" income to live there...if money i no object...then by all means move to Santa Barbara ...or any place north of there along the cantral coast up to but NOT in San Francisco...Santa Cruz is where I would stop at. Monterey and Carmel are the BEST!!! I'm planning to mover there myself real soon...maybe we can meet there!
Would The Witnesses Be Happy To See You Come Back to The Kingdom Hall?
by minimus inwould you get a huge response if you ever went back to the hall?.
would nobody care?
What ever became of the idea of having a assembly of EX-JW's in Ohio??? I think that was a VERY GOOD Idea...or at least finding EX's that are near to where you may live...I live in Portland Oregon...Hillsboro more exactly...Anybody live out my way?...I'ed Love a welcome call from somebody here! i really think this is a good idea especially for ones that feel "Abandoned"...any Idea's on this brother's and sisster's???
You ever go through extended moments where nothing satisfies you, to the point you wouldn't mind dying?
by miseryloveselders indon't get me wrong, this isn't a call for help or anything like that.
i'm not about to do anything stupid, just feeling a little down and exhausted tonight.
i feel defeated, even though i don't feel as if i'm battling anything.
Please brother don't entertain ANY bad feeling about ANYTHING because someting is coming OUR way more beautiful than you can comprehend!
Just go to this sebsite and view a documentary called: "Collective Evolution"
This documentary will change you belief system because it will "Awaken" you to a "New Reality' many people NEVER see because of all the LIES we have been sold on!
I am new here too!
by NVR2L8 infor a long while i have been coming to this site on a daily basis and i think it is time to introduce myself.
here we go: my parents learned the truth when i was 4 and i don't have childhood memories of how life was before they converted.
i was a model jw child, although quite mischievous at school.
Welcome NVR2L8..(Like how you did that!...Yes being "Gentle" with your wife is very good advice and your children too. I was struck by how simular your life in the WT was very much like mine was (47 yrs) I have 3 grown children that are still "Trapped" in the JW's...but I send them info on my new found life outside the org. I have a brother that lives not more than a mile from where I do and i have shown them info that is "Awakening" them up to a "NEW REALITY" that few people know is out there for them to see!
So welcome here!...and its a very good idea to read "Blessed" brother Raymond Franz's book "Crisis of Concsience" ...thats should lessen any feelings of doubt you may have about leaving...but there is a LOT more to see about the WTBTS...Go to "Six-Screen of the website and hear first hand how bad things are there! Its a real shocker!!!