JoinedTopics Started by LivingTheDream
Did being a JW affect you socially?
by Mahtaw ini feel like i'm awkard in social situations.
i hate going up and talking to people i don't know.
i have trouble making friends.
New book - "Journey to Gods House" by Brock Talon
by AnnOMaly inthis thread's in tandem with clarity's started here in the members only section.. remember the jwn poster livingthedream from 2 years ago?
his threads often had me in stitches and he had a real knack of hooking you into the story so that you kept reading.
who of us could forget the account of the booming voice of 'god' ordering a double chocolate chip ice cream?
Your most DISTURBING WATCHTOWER Bethel/Branch experience? (No full names please)
by Balaamsass inok.. you 70 plus bethelite members.... this is your chance to share stories!
inquiring minds want to know !no full names please..follow t.o.s.
to avoid borg libel lawsuits).. i will start the ball rolling with week one.
Do the Governing Body members ever go Door-to-Door?
by 00DAD inin his book, in search of christian freedom, ray franz wrote that that gb members for the most part never participated in door-to-door work.
they were "too busy with more important things.
" (gee, how come that excuse wouldn't work for the rest of us?
New member - my story
by Millions injust a brief introduction, i thought i would try out one of the more established forums, have done some stuff on youtube and other places but thought i would give this a try.. potted history: raised jw by mother, in it for 30 years or so, baptised at age 18, regular pioneer at 20, ms a couple years later, mts at 26 and got assignment to a new cong, elder at around 29, came off pioneering around 31, came off as elder around 32, started to slowly wind down, completely stopped attending about 3 years ago, disassociated dec 2010. pause for breath.. the last 5 years or so have been a painfully gradual process of deconstructing myself and then piecing together fragments of my shattered life that are still valid outside the organisation.
the question 'who am i?
' has been a continual investigation; every day for the first couple of years i would realise another subject or issue that i didn't have my own opinions about.
Is the American empire on the brink of collapse?
by slimboyfat inhistorian niall ferguson made some extended remarks recently arguing that the american empire may be closer to the edge than many suppose.. he starts out observing that while the fateful decline of american supremacy is now widely accepted, it is still generally expected that this will be a protracted process.
after all empires don't fall in a day.
rome took centuries to crumble did it not?
My Story not for the weak of heart
by TotallyADD ina year after my parents were baptized i was born in 1954. that same year my father was appointed presiding overseer and remained in that position until the early sixties despite the fact he was still smoking.
he gained the position by default because he was the only baptized man who could read.
thus began my life course of abuse, neglect and cult thinking.
I am new here too!
by NVR2L8 infor a long while i have been coming to this site on a daily basis and i think it is time to introduce myself.
here we go: my parents learned the truth when i was 4 and i don't have childhood memories of how life was before they converted.
i was a model jw child, although quite mischievous at school.
Here's a sign that will make them go away.
by JeffT ingot this off another message board.. "no jehovah's witnesses or burglars allowed.
occupant is armed and probably not passed out.