The worst thing imaginable: THE JEHOVAH'S WITNESS ZOMBIE!
JoinedPosts by LivingTheDream
whats the difference between Jw's and Zombies?
by Crazyguy innot much but the zombies usually where better clothes.
zombies use more of thier brain.. those were the ones i could think anything else?.
Your most DISTURBING WATCHTOWER Bethel/Branch experience? (No full names please)
by Balaamsass inok.. you 70 plus bethelite members.... this is your chance to share stories!
inquiring minds want to know !no full names please..follow t.o.s.
to avoid borg libel lawsuits).. i will start the ball rolling with week one.
I wrote about many Bethel experiences already in JWN, but maybe the most disturbing for me was when I was brand new.
It's recorded here: A Bethel Memory #3 - Hey, let's welcome the new guy by maiming him!
Brock Talon
angels and women
by caroline77 ini was told by jw's that angels came down to earth before the flood, and had children with women.. i have a question about this and would like the sort of answer a jw would give so that i can be ready for them when they come to my door.. if one third of god's angelic staff were banished to earth, are they doing this now?.
if not, what is stopping them?.
if so, where are all these half angel children?.
There was a book in the Bethel library that I read when I was there many years ago that is called "Angels and Women". It is about this very subject.
I talk about my experience reading that book at Bethel at this link: Angels and Women - Kind of like a Playboy
Brock Talon
Goodbye JW net
by snare&racket inforgive me for indulging in a goodbye but it would feel wrong not to,.
i hope the discussions and atmosphere here do not change for it is a bubbling brew of doubt, bravery and sincere hunger for answers.
these are healthy ingrediants for humans and especially for a jehovah's witness.. this forum offers not just the ability to ask without consequence, but it also offers the means to be real.
Congratulations Doctor Snare! You are a model to be followed young man. So very happy for you.
Brock Talon
US Supreme Court: Hobby Lobby wins we lose
by designs inthe old guys sided with hobby lobby today in denying birth control coverage to its female employees based on the owners religious views.
intact- is viagra for the guys.
funny how the far right evangelical owners of hobby lobby didn't want to touch that one.... read judge ginburg's scathing counter argument and opinion..
Maybe someone on this forum can help clarify something for me, because I am confused about the ruling myself, even after reading it and listening to news comentators on it:
Will Hobby Lobby still provide MOST forms of birth control or not, that is, after the ruling?
I thought their argument was against having to provide for birth control that the Hobby Lobby owners believed were "abortive" in nature, like the Plan B (so called Morning After) pill. I didn't think the ruling was that Hobby Lobby would not provide most forms of birth control. They have always provided those kinds in the past (At least, this is what I have been led to believe... I could be wrong.) So, in a list of birth control methods available in the world, Hobby Lobby was refusing to provide a couple of them only that they deemed "aborted life" and that was the crux of the issue. Preventing preganancy itself doesn't seem to be an issue, at least in this particular case.
I will add here that I am concerned myself by religious over reach. As an ex-JW, I hate it when so-called moral majorities inflict their beliefs on me. So, the ruling is concerning to me as well. I'm not defending it... yet.
But at the same time, I want to be balanced in my view on what just occurred and not claim something that isn't, that is, that women have been denied birth control entirely if that isn't a fact.
Catching up after putting life on hold while a JW.....
by EndofMysteries init's only been a couple of years since i fully woke up to ttatt.
although it's....almost never too late to turn your life around, definitely the older you are, the harder it will be.
i had put marriage, school, traveling, and 'worldly goals' aside because the end was 'just around the corner' and those things shouldn't be pursued.
EndofMysteries -
Well done! I'm always happy when I hear ex-JW repudiate the Watch Tower induced tendency to suppress personal fulfillment. It's a trap most JWs seems to be in and even some ex JWs still fall for this mindset. I'm so very glad to see you claiming your sucesses. So celebrate them! After all, happiness and success is the best revenge for all those people who think your "leaving the Truth" was a mistake.
I have very strong feelings about this particular topic myself because I thought it would be too late for me at one point, and I was even older than you were when I finally "woke up".
My story about this subject is here: You can lead an elder to college, but you can't make him think
Brock Talon
New Member Story
by No Retreat No Surrender inwhen i found out "ttat" i felt like muhammad ali when joe frazer knocked him down in their first fight in the 15th round.
the ref came over grab my gloves and looked me in the eyes and asked me "are you ok, can you continue" and then gave me the standing 8 count.
no it didn't knock me out but it staggered me.
Welcome No Retreat No Surrender!
It's great to hear your story. I'm very happy for you and Aunt Fancy being out together.
Your story has some similarities to mine as a matter of fact, but you were even older than I was before waking up. (I was about 40.)
I'll tell you, the adjusting to being a non JW is a bit strange and difficult at our age, but at least you have somebody to do that with. I had to go it alone... at least at first.
Then I found my own non JW true love who helped me through it.
Brock Talon
Survey---who is inactive, disfellowshipped/disassociated or active?
by minimus ini am inactive for about 10 years now..
I'm a "fader" since the summer of the year 2000, inactive at least a year before that time.
I got one and only one visit since that time. This person was not even an elder, just an MS that was a "friend checking up on me". Maybe the Christmas tree I had in my living room being decorated by my live-in girlfriend in her sexy sleepwear scared him away? Hard to say...
Anyway, I've been pretty much left alone all this time, but I still can talk to anyone I wish should I run into them by accident without them backing off in horror when seeing me. It's usually a fairly pleasant, if not short, conversation.
And that's just the way I like it.
Brock Talon
We discussed the topic of an earthly resurrection and marriage at length back when I was in Bethel. I even got one of the Governing Body to chime in on the subject.
If you are interested, my story about it is here in a posting called:
False advertisements for a fake future that will never happen
Brock Talon
Can White JWs Have Mustaches?
by Space Madness insomeone mentioned in another thread that white jws can't have mustaches but black jws can.
i noticed that the only governing body member with a mustache is black.
can anyone confirm that this is an official policy?
Space Madness,
I was at Bethel and I wrote this about my experience there regarding mustaches, see:
Much Ado about Whiskers
(please excuse my spelling in this story... I was new to JWN then and didn't spell check anything)
Brock Talon