JoinedTopics Started by L_A_Big_Dawg
Lance Armstrong stripped of 6th Tour de France title
by confusedjw inlance armstrong has just been stripped of his 6th tour de france title after three substances, banned by the french, were found in his hotel room.. .
How would you answer these questions?
by closer2fine ina non-jw family member sent me an email asking these questions:1. what is the position of the jehovah witness belief regarding gays?
if you associate with one, will you be disfellowshipped?2.
when you go to church, do you call it a meeting at the hall or the kingdom hall?3.
Why Would Anyone Defend Jehovah's Witnesses??????????
by minimus inevery so often, i will read on this board, how some people will defend and apologize for what jws do or believe in.....i just don't get it.
Does religion play a big part in world politics?
by sleepy innoting that britain?s prime minister and americas?
president are both supposed to be actively religious i wonder how big apart there religious outlook plays in the decisions they make.
being non-religious myself i would be keen to see, no influence at all, but the only countries that have put that into practise are the communist ones, and we know what happened there.
What is the ONE thing the world needs MORE of...
by Sirius Dogma in.
besides love.... your opinion?
How many showers do you have per day.........?
by vitty in.
i`ve just had my third, one this morning, one at lunchtime after the gym and one now as i have been sitting in the sun and needed to wash all that smelly suncream off, and i might have one before bed.. .
what`s your record?
Why Don't They Have Windows???
by Sweetp0985 in.
this may be a question that has been answered millions of times but i've seen it in alot of posts lately.. why don't the kh have windows?
what is their bible-based answer for this one?
Find the difference of the two photo's
by gumby in.
Michael Moore--Bill O'Reilly finally, on Foxnews tonight
by sf intonight 8 pm / 1 am et
challenge accepted michael moore finally enters the no spin zone!
tune in for the fireworks.. .