How do I view the world after leaving the JWs?
1. Most politicians are disgusting filth. Political parties are disgusting filth. As George Carlin commented, 'it's a big club and you ain't in it!'
Actually, that's about the same as I felt about them in the Jobos. No change there.
2. the mainstream media is manipulative, devious, money loving scum.
Again, no change there.
3. There probably isn't a God, Gods or Godhead. I can't prove this either way but the cards are stacked in there not being a sky bigot. It's all a big fairy story that people have bought into or been forced into believing by unscrupulous attention seeking narcissists in funny hats.
Part of that is no change...although I wholly believe in God (the big J-man), when I was a Jobot.
4. People are a let down.
Nothing much to say about that.
Much of how I see the world may not have changed much. However, the bit without God is a real game changer because there is no future.