Hello Samsie.
Do whatever you want as long as it causes no harm to anyone else.
You're free of the rules and regulations of an abusive controlling cult.
Celebrate that freedom. Christmas too if you want.
hello, i'm new here and have woken up to the real truth concerning the org.
i'm sort of fading away at the moment.... i need help with something, i used to as a child celebrate christmas and have always had amazing memories of it (my husband hasn't as he was born into the org) but i gave it up when i learnt the "truth".
my interest was only in pleasing god and still is.
Hello Samsie.
Do whatever you want as long as it causes no harm to anyone else.
You're free of the rules and regulations of an abusive controlling cult.
Celebrate that freedom. Christmas too if you want.
hi - quite the introduction, huh?
so the 'morning star' is christ himself and he has guided my thinking and studies to uncover where exactly the wtb&ts went off track, offending jehovah greatly and causing him to 'abandon his sanctuary'.
i've posted the information on reddit jwexwatchtower - please study the articles carefully and put them to the test versus scripture.
JohnRossStar - Joined 5 months ago, 1 post only.
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
mine is bouzov castle in moravia.
built in the early 1300's.
it wasn't too fancy, kinda rough hewn.
Roy Castle
the reason for my question is because one pimo has noticed that there are some pimis--particularly spimis--who have remarked that they "are not going to contact nor associate with the friends who are delinquent on zoom and/or at in-person kh meetings, conventions, and assemblies".
i've noticed this as well: a few ppimis and pimqs who were very close to me and my exdub family members are hearing from them less and less lately than before last year's rc and this year's rc.
so, is the above a thing nowadays?
I don't know about all these acronyms. I do know the governing Body(tm) (Pee be upon them), protect and love PIDOs
i know there was a leak a few weeks back, but this really does seem to have come out of the blue.. the anomaly was the original decision.
it clearly had no basis in law or the constitution, and was a flimsy, ridiculous ruling.
plus the whole thing was based on a fraudulent case in the first place.. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-61928898.
Riley - Joined 11 days ago.
Welcome back. which troll were you when you were on here last time?
the reason for my question is because one pimo has noticed that there are some pimis--particularly spimis--who have remarked that they "are not going to contact nor associate with the friends who are delinquent on zoom and/or at in-person kh meetings, conventions, and assemblies".
i've noticed this as well: a few ppimis and pimqs who were very close to me and my exdub family members are hearing from them less and less lately than before last year's rc and this year's rc.
so, is the above a thing nowadays?
I thought the Jobots were always like that.
Nothing will have changed, just the way they continue to be tribal and snobbish.
the new head-of-the-house max has a problem with how his new stepdaughter (olivia) looks and dresses.. on the friday afternoon part 2 convention video @ 18:10 max 1st brings it up with olivia while in the kitchen!
then fast forward to 26:50 thru 27:65 max bellyaches to new wife (olivia's mother) & it's handled!
message to all rank & file jws....no more fashion torn jeans & beach sandles: :) :) :).
The leaders of the WTBT$ have always enjoyed bullying.
No surprises there.
As some have mentioned, let us hope it will make many leave and not give their time, money or good to this paedophile's paradise corrupt organisation.
this is one of the many charts on my jw lib analytics.. i have also attached the top 500 scriptures from 1950-2022. https://comingoutamycage.github.io/jw_lib_analytics/viewwordsperyear.html?publication=watchtower&normal=1.
I wish they'd just shut their cake holes completely.
gotta love jwdotorg as usual regurgitating the financially/politically motivated (and thoroughly disproved) climate change propaganda:.
It's making money and fame for grifters like the Thunbergs. Politicians can bring in 'green taxes' and other crap to drain us of funds and freedom.
the watchtower—study edition | september 2022.
20 what an exciting time the thousand year reign will be!
it will include the greatest educational program ever undertaken here on earth.
Of course. A bonkers cult has bonkers ideas.