Tonus - 'progressive understanding' is impossible to distinguish from 'making it up as we go along.'
I love this definition.
watchtower, september 15, 1895: "beware of "organization.
" it is wholly unnecessary.
the bible rules will be the only rules you will need.
Tonus - 'progressive understanding' is impossible to distinguish from 'making it up as we go along.'
I love this definition.
there seems to be a push to fast track the younger men to become elders.
beings jesus was 30 when he took up his ministry, i would think that would sort of be an age gauge...the older men were to have their children in subjection, so some were old enough to have children that were old enough to want to rebel.
( that's my slant ) how will the ones who have been jw for years respond to being counseled by those younger than some of their grandchildren?
Fooled - It makes me laugh when young Elders(tm), give sexual advice when all they've ever done is read about it in the Watchtower(tm) or just touched themselves.
obviously, the older “ anointed ” from 1914 died.
and because they were anointed, they hopefully went to heaven.
in the first century though, a newer generation did not replace the old.
FM - I know you're pulling our legs. Why not just admit that you're having fun spoofing us?
Valid dictionary definition seems to me.
All of these words are valid in a Dick'n'Harry, so it's has no authority; adds up to nothing.
Here are some other words in a Dick'n'Harry:
Cup. Artefact. Cat. Link. Paddle. Handcuffs. Bondage. Discipline.
watchtower, september 15, 1895: "beware of "organization.
" it is wholly unnecessary.
the bible rules will be the only rules you will need.
Ernie - I do visit Cambridge from time to time because it's just up the road from me. Rather picturesque. The cafe in M&S is a bit low brow but has a nice view and decent soup. I can just about stand students and bikes.
FM - WT claims progressive understanding and not that wt teachings is an un changeable standard.
How silly of them. they really are silly billies!
obviously, the older “ anointed ” from 1914 died.
and because they were anointed, they hopefully went to heaven.
in the first century though, a newer generation did not replace the old.
FM - Well, it's very silly of them.
watchtower, september 15, 1895: "beware of "organization.
" it is wholly unnecessary.
the bible rules will be the only rules you will need.
Ernie - Exactly. this is how duplicitous they are.
I would be wary of picking a sentence and reaching conclusions on that alone.
Nah. Not a bit. Throw the nonsense out there to illustrate how rudderless they are.
I did not mean to give the impression I'd reached a conclusion though. Just for clarity, ol' friend....or buddy, depending which side of the Atlantic you're on.
Fish 'n' chips or battered cod and fries?
"can the ethiopian change his skin?
", feb. 15, 1904 watch tower.
we answer, no.
Nuffy - people don't seem to be satisfied with the color of their skin.....
We live in a society that makes us feel devalued unless we comply to a tribe.
The corrupt media pushes the lifestyle of 'celebs' on to us. We are expected to be like vacuous elites that copy other peoples words for a living.
The woketards define everyone by the colour of their skin.
We all need to rise above this stuff and ridicule it for the garbage it all is. No one will though. It's too ingrained.
here is the thing: i tried several times to watch the convention...i just couldn't seem to forge ahead with it.
the reason i wanted to was to be able to engage in conversation about it with some of my old friends that communicate by phone that don't know i have disassociated.
i want to be able to slip in seeds of doubt, but at the same time i have to seem a bit current...) so i welcome to know any take outs, commentary, good or bad, or the video plots, etc.
I wonder how they got their hair cut? Why does the bloke facing us look like Jehovah(tm) still can't cure male pattern baldness?
I see the sisters(tm) are still dull and frumpy.
i was thinking a bit about this the other day.
ct russell, from what i remember about him, kinda seemed like a genuine, nice(ish) guy, although he had a few eccentric but harmless ideas.. during the russell era jws (actually bible students) could still celebrate christmas, worship in other churches if there was no kingdom hall available, and accept blood transfusions.. then after russell died, along came rutherford - a major league a-hole, for sure.. rutherford had plenty of eccentric ideas but at least some of them weren't/aren't harmless.
some have been long forgotten about - jesus depicted without a beard, the plan to rename the names of the week because names such as thursday (thor's day) is pagan, the articles about the 'dangers' of aluminium, etc.. one key contribution of rutherford which does a lot of harm is no blood transfusions, even in life-threatening situations.. another is shunning, something which never occurred under russell, or at least was much milder.. rutherford has a lot to answer for, i reckon ....
I dunno. Old Chuck seemed a bit of a money grabber. Miracle wheat? You know, start a cult and get the dosh. Probably capitalising on the 'current thing' of the day.
Boozerford carried on the grift with bullying. I imagine he wasn't breast fed or something. He doesn't stand out as a loving shepherd. More a fraud that lived at Beth Sarim.
Both a pair of grifters.
what do you like about biden's build back better agenda & the democrat's build back better act?
is it liberal and progressive enough for you or do you wish it would go further? has some comments about it.
Being a Brit, I don't really take any notice of politics in America. The politicians I know of are all self serving filth.
From what I've seen, Biden is a senile old sock puppet for those that really control from behind the scenes.
It's all an illusion, folks.