Good dog. Good dog!
JoinedPosts by punkofnice
Stupid WT Q's : Is It Wise or Safe to Keep a Dog? Demons—How Can We Resist Them?
by Sea Breeze inyes, that is an actual question in the awake magazine.
jw kids lives are already miserable enough trying to obey all the ignorant rules of the wt.. no sports, no school dance, no holidays.... just field service.
as if that isn't enough.... let's take away their puppy dogs too!.
Why are so many Jehovah’s Witnesses Angry and Rude?
by Vanderhoven7 inwhy do you think many jws are hostile and rude?
or is that just my imagination?.
mark jones writes: the vast majority of jehovah’s witnesses are nice people.
It depends who you meet. Some are ok.
The rude ones just prove they're not proper Christians. They're in denial and afraid something will pop their bubble of lies AKA WBT$ 'truth(tm)'.
Do you believe in ghosts?
by Country Girl ini am posting this because i know there are many people that have had experiences that cannot be explained by natural means.
i am a ghost hunter, as a hobby.
my hobby is to disprove ghosts.
I've no idea. I don't care either.
questions for those who were once elders
by enoughisenough ini watched some wendi renay youtube videos.
the former elder who was being interviewed mentioned a couple of things i noted.
i would like to know what your reactions were at the time you learned what i am going to relate if you had the same or kindred experience.
Nuffy - Elder's schools were a boring waste of time. All word salad and COs being bullies. Following along and watching .demonstrations(tm) from the Elder's manual about how to deal with situations. Yawnfest.
There were those that came away saying how encouraging(tm) it all was. I just tbought it was sh1t but dare not say. I'd smile and nod but keep my trap shut.
Angels? Never heard anything like that. We were always hounded about how we could be better.
Bible for the Anointed(tm), never heard anything like that at Elder school(tm).
Ding - "How much backbiting / cliquishness did you experience within the group of elders?"
Lots. I never made it into the clique. The clique that always got used on A$$emb£ies were the most arrogant pigs of the lot.
It was so depressing, I needed to drink to numb the cog-dis.
No part of the world
by Lost in the fog inthe wt calls itself christian while at the same time insisting that its witnesses don't mix with other christian groups but remain separate.. to be no part of the world.. i was mulling this over recently in my personal bible reading.
in the first century that demarcation would have made sense because apart from your fellow worshippers the rest of mankind were going to be jewish, roman, polytheistic, pagan, or (i guess much like today) didn't really care.. christians had no worries about meeting up with other people who believed in jesus the same as they did even if there were minor differences depending on who had first taught the gospel message to them.
but nowadays there's not just one christian group against the world, there's lots of "christians" out there.
The WBT$ is not a real religion, Christian or otherwise. they are just a corporation that fools the JWs into thinking it's a religion. I have long thought that the Governing Body(tm) (Pee be upon them), know this and are just cashing in. They are probably atheists and certainly some or all amongst them are child sex offenders.
They are 'no part of the world(tm), in as much as they wish to keep JWs asleep and giving their money and assets to the GB(tm).
It's all fake. All for money, power and hubris.
Would you still be angry with Lloyd Evans ?
by BettyHumpter inif instead of thailand, he had gone to a place where its legal and (supposedly) has some sort of oversight to prevent exploitation?
like nevada in the u.s or amsterdam in europe?
would the being unfaithful part still be a deal breaker as far as supporting his channel?
It doesn't matter. I have Disfellowshipped(tm) him from my thoughts.
Is doomsday coming as the Bible predicts or will nothing happen eventually?
by Fisherman inthe bible predicts that at some point, the god of the bible will take action.
this is very convincing when reading bible prophecy and history to back up prophecy as represented in the bible.
—exactly when god acts is another subject..
Thanks, Breezy. I'm not convinced becasue it looks like the book is proving the book. But cheers for sharing.
Is doomsday coming as the Bible predicts or will nothing happen eventually?
by Fisherman inthe bible predicts that at some point, the god of the bible will take action.
this is very convincing when reading bible prophecy and history to back up prophecy as represented in the bible.
—exactly when god acts is another subject..
Nothing lasts forever. Everything has it's time.
God or no God, an end will come.
I've yet to see accurate prophecies from the Bible or any other 'Holy' book for that matter.
Where did Enoch go - God transferred him?
by Fisherman ingod did not take the lives of the wicked contemporaries of enoch, instead he took the life of enoch.
and that seems like a great injustice to deprive innocent enoch of life instead of killing the wicked.
—i said seems.. a man goes to get surgery but first they give him an opiate like narcotic and he falls asleep gladly and with pleasure and euphoria.
Where did Enoch go —God transferred him?
That's a Brit joke, btw.
UN and Governing Body and an accounting
by AnnaNana injoseph and mary were not in a spiritually adulterous relationship with the roman authorities, the "legs of iron".
joseph and mary were not perfect.
the governing body of the modern-day organization of jehovah's witnesses is not perfect.
Jan - Yes indeed.
AnnaNanna, if you are not trolling us, please seek urgent medical assistance for your mental health.