ppete - Don't you watch Star Trek?
I prefer the Orville.
I think the film Dredd is more accurate.
i wonder what this earth will really be like in 500 years from now?.
what are your thoughts?.
ppete - Don't you watch Star Trek?
I prefer the Orville.
I think the film Dredd is more accurate.
i wonder what this earth will really be like in 500 years from now?.
what are your thoughts?.
St G - I am observing the same thing.
The only explanation as to why these things are allowed to happen is money and power.
SERCO ferry the economic illegal immigrants to the 5 star hotels. SERCO are getting money. I believe the boss of SERCO is pals with some top politicians. Nest feathering. These people don't care about the working classes. They live far enough away from the stabbings and craphole cities that it doesn't affect them.
Even filthy, disgusting frauds like Chris Whitty, Valance and Dr leg over Fergusson profited from the Rona fear and falsehoods they spread. and we were not allowed to question their fraudulent activity for fear that the Police would come to 'check your thinking'. Police. They're another bunch of left serving, lazy, incompetent anti-white narcissists.
Snob Sunak's Missus rakes it in from Amazon. No wonder these Eton toffs forced small businesses to close and die.
The politicians are all about money and power.......they don't care about the working class. Not even Labour cares about the working class anymore, with a toff leader that doesn't even know what a woman is.
We've been conned. The con continues. I wonder why people just can't see it.
Very soon the UK will be a 3rd world country.
i recently married my best friend of 32 years.
she is a life-long jw and once an active pioneer, i am a 'worldly' person through-and-through, always will be.
we married because it was the only way we could find a way of staying together while giving her a path back to her religion ultimately, which she does not want to (or cannot) let go of.
Hello Wilty.
When all is said and done, it all depends on the body of Elders. It's a waiting game and we can't predict the outcome.
I hope your marriage will remain happy.
Just be aware you will be pressured to join the fake religion because the leaders want your money.
i wonder what this earth will really be like in 500 years from now?.
what are your thoughts?.
I wonder what this Earth will really be like in 500 years from now?
What are your thoughts?
hello, folks: about a month ago, stan livedeath started a post about.
how many of the readers here on the site have been or are now being shunned by friends/relatives?
well, let's turn that around a little bit: how many of the readers here have purposely shunned a witness, when they encountered them?
I find the best way for me is to go about my business as usual. If Jobots want to shun me then I don't care. It's their loss in missing out on my ebullient and marvellous wisdom of years.
I don't think tit for tat works.
Some Jobots know my situation and still say, 'Hello.'
Let's just get on with life and forget all this tribal nonsense.
Yes, I loathe the Organisation(tm) because they are grifting perverts, but in my daily life I don't give it much thought.
The world is full of idiots and scum. Let's just rise above these dimwits.
i wonder if real book titles should be entitled according to our opinions?.
eg.. plato's republic.
i'd call it: some geezer in a toga mincing around a pond talking idealistic nonsense.
Your Youth. Getting the best out of it.
Do lots of door knocking and don't masturbate
i wonder if real book titles should be entitled according to our opinions?.
eg.. plato's republic.
i'd call it: some geezer in a toga mincing around a pond talking idealistic nonsense.
Babylon the Great has Fallen (God's kingdom Rules)
A big red book with the ramblings of a pseudo-Christian nutter
on halloween night, police arrested two people who were dressed up individually as a battery and a firework rocket.
they charged one and let the other off.. police in london are investigating the theft of dogs throughout the city.. they don't have any leads.. i found a large box filled with kodak 35 mm camera film, and handed it in to the police.. they said they'd let me know if there were any developments.. police recovered a valuable stolen microscope.. they say they're looking into it.. yorkshire police can't establish what's wrong with the sat-navs in their new fleet of squad cars.. they're still looking for leeds.. police are investigating the theft of a perpetual motion device.
they say it's an ongoing inquiry.. the old ones are the best!
Stan - the majority of readers on here are American--so don't get the jokes.
There is a bit of a comedic divide. That's perhaps why I don't find American comedy shows or films (Ooops, movies as the Americans call them), particularly engaging.
I find 'Friends' to be a snorefest of unfunny clowning around.
On the other hand, I like the wit of George Carlin. Perhaps becasue I see it as more observant than clowning around.
I don't believe our cousins across the water quite get or perhaps appreciate 'British banter'. They think we're being mean...........I could be wrong. I'd love to be wrong. Then I can be more sarcastic here.
i wonder if real book titles should be entitled according to our opinions?.
eg.. plato's republic.
i'd call it: some geezer in a toga mincing around a pond talking idealistic nonsense.
I wonder if real book titles should be entitled according to our opinions?
Plato's Republic
I'd call it: Some geezer in a toga mincing around a pond talking idealistic nonsense
Kafka - Metamorphosis
Some lazy kid in bed playing at beeltles
supposedly, god jehovah, el , or whatever else he may have been called many thousands of years ago, or so the storys goes ,dealt with humans on a regular basis communicating with them for either good or bad.according to how they pleased him or displeased him.. so the bible record says.. how is it that god , jehovah or whatever other name you want to call him has not communicated with humans on any level for the past 2000 years ???.
in this scientific ,technological age ,wouldn`t you think this would be the time he would communicate with the potential dangers we face in potentially destroying ourselves and ruining the planets wildlife unless he interveined ?.
that`s if you even beleive that such a god actually exists .. and if he does why so silent in this day and age,?.
winger - It's such a simple solution....
God is either indifferent, incompetent or doesn't exist.
...and doesn't exist despite hoodwinked people trying to believe all that Bible nonsense into existence. To think, I used to believe all that stuff until I started to be honest and decide that an inconvenient truth is better than wilful ignorance.