St G - I am observing the same thing.
The only explanation as to why these things are allowed to happen is money and power.
SERCO ferry the economic illegal immigrants to the 5 star hotels. SERCO are getting money. I believe the boss of SERCO is pals with some top politicians. Nest feathering. These people don't care about the working classes. They live far enough away from the stabbings and craphole cities that it doesn't affect them.
Even filthy, disgusting frauds like Chris Whitty, Valance and Dr leg over Fergusson profited from the Rona fear and falsehoods they spread. and we were not allowed to question their fraudulent activity for fear that the Police would come to 'check your thinking'. Police. They're another bunch of left serving, lazy, incompetent anti-white narcissists.
Snob Sunak's Missus rakes it in from Amazon. No wonder these Eton toffs forced small businesses to close and die.
The politicians are all about money and power.......they don't care about the working class. Not even Labour cares about the working class anymore, with a toff leader that doesn't even know what a woman is.
We've been conned. The con continues. I wonder why people just can't see it.
Very soon the UK will be a 3rd world country.