If they don't have Kingdumb-down Halls(tm), what buildings will they have left to sell to MuckDonalds Burger joints?
JoinedPosts by punkofnice
Watchtower online religion
by Hellothere inif watchtower becomes a online religion, how you think transition gonna be like?
i thought this maeby would happen in a span of 20 years.
when all old timers are gone and just the new tech savvy generation left.
Watchtower online religion
by Hellothere inif watchtower becomes a online religion, how you think transition gonna be like?
i thought this maeby would happen in a span of 20 years.
when all old timers are gone and just the new tech savvy generation left.
Perhaps the danger with 'on-line' is, that's where all the 'apostate(tm)' information is.
I think humans being social animals will still want a sense of physical community.
If the cult goes totally 'on-line' they may face extinction rapidly.
Sounds good. Let them go on-line asap.
1975 selling of houses
by Paul Bonanno inas 1975 was approaching, many witnesses sold their property.
do you know about specific cases that are willing to share their experience of doing so?.
I know of a couple (now shuffled off this mortal coil), that sold their house because of the 1975 lie. I won't name them, you probably wouldn't know who they were anyway.
I remember my dear old Dad saying that 1975 was a marked year but not necessarily 'Armageddon(tm)'.
Noah's Ark - Kentucky
by BoogerMan inregardless of belief/non-belief in the bible account, why is the ark nearly always depicted by both believers & non-believers as a huge boat, with a rounded hull & stern, and a tapered bow?
https://arkencounter.com/ .
the ark was crate shaped according to the measurements.
bm - why is the ark nearly always depicted by both believers & non-believers as a huge boat,
Whatever floats your boat, as they say.
It's probably a lot to do with accepted cultural norms.
As a non believer, I don't think either is a reasonable description. In fact, I don't think an 'ark' in the Biblical sense is a practical reality.
But that's just my two-penneth.
Something that bothers me personally
by Blotty in(i apologise if this is the wrong section for this - its the one i think suits best)this may sound really cliché (it does in my opinion) and a first world thing, but it bothers me someone can be like this and spout these "illogical" arguments (among others, which i will list as questions in the near future)i recently (as of 21/11/22) finished up a conversation with someone on a few things - i find one of their "implications" slightly concerning.. they wouldn't accept "evidence" from scholars who seemingly didn't agree with their standpoint which is interesting.
i.e on the divine name, i listed scholars such as george howard - i got the answer "try a real scholar"or another example i cited beduhn as (in my opinion) he is easy to understand but then got told "he doesn't teach greek at a university so his opinion is not valid" - scholars may not cite beduhn, but from looking at other factors he really gets nothing wrong (linguistically)once again i apologise if this is wasting anyone's time.
Blotty - They wouldn't accept "evidence" from scholars
I'm not sure what you are referring to. People (including myself), are prone to 'confirmation bias'. In other words, you can provide evidence but if that person doesn't trust the evidence or wants to remain with their own personal leanings, you're wasting your time.
Impact of Death of Favorite Character
by peacefulpete ini'll assume we have all felt a jolt of loss when a favorite tv, movie or book character dies.
when i watched the death of the incredible hulk tv movie after years of reading the comics and watch the tv show i was impacted.
funny even today it just feels wrong.
I'm probably more like BB. I don't invest my emotions in fiction.
I just don't feel anything when actors pretend to die.
I do remember however, being moved when Rose got torn away from the Doctor and sent to an alternate universe. It was well written fiction from the BBC. But then you only have to watch the News programmes to realise the BBC is expert in telling fiction.
by punkofnice ini wonder what this earth will really be like in 500 years from now?.
what are your thoughts?.
I recall Zager and Evan's one hit wonder. Looking at the lyrics now, they haven't aged well in my view. Thought provoking though.
The West will fall as it seems to be in a downward spiral right now.
Neo feudalism?
AI taking over?
A mysterious virus of unknown origin killing us all?
I really think the human race should be wiped out......just not when I'm around (he said tongue in cheek for effect).
Will we live in a Soy-boy world?
I seriously don't think Jesus is actually coming back. He left it too long.
The length of a public talk
by Farmer Jim1 indoes anyone ever wonder the good they could have done instead of giving a public talk for 45 or 30 minutes?
i remember giving my first public talk aged 18 and even then i was thinking ' this is just me making up half truths trying to blind people with jw propaganda'.
fast forward 15 years to when i gave my final public talk and i was so close to seeding the 30 minutes with ideas that could possibly wake people up but i never had the guts.. in that 30 minutes i could have done so much real good for a person instead of spreading this awful religions dogma.
I was in charge of the Pubic Talks(tm) as an Elder(tm). I read all of the scripts. Some of them were really disjointed and fairly senseless. I can't recall the specifics. Thinking back, they were just do more, give us your life propaganda. They were supposed to be for the Public as if for a first time listener.
My diagnosis. They were crap!
Former Elders Please - Disbeliever recently married to a JW
by doasthouwilt ini recently married my best friend of 32 years.
she is a life-long jw and once an active pioneer, i am a 'worldly' person through-and-through, always will be.
we married because it was the only way we could find a way of staying together while giving her a path back to her religion ultimately, which she does not want to (or cannot) let go of.
wilty - here is a thread
but be careful what you ask. They will smell a rat
I do have a list of questions that are potentially quite challenging
Why not ask them here and we can tell you what a JW will likely say. This to prepare you for conversation stoppers.
Extraordinary CLAIMS require extraordinary EVIDENCE
by BoogerMan insome of christianity's denominations/tribes/clans claim that god almighty/christ jesus personally selected their leadership/clergy to represent heaven on earth.. question for jw's: what scriptural or divine proof convinced/convinces you that it was the org/governing body?.
self-proclaimed statements from literature does not qualify as proof..