She is now WAKING UP, seeing that ALL of the things she did for the Borg and the DONATIONS she gave to it, THEY HAVE NOT HELPED HER IN ANY SHAPE, FORM, OR FASHION regarding her life at this juncture in time.
This typifies at least for me, the experiences of many.
It is my experience in many ways too.
I don't know what to say, really. Once you realise all your efforts and 'contributions(tm)' are just so that the Governing Body(tm) (Pee be upon them), can protect paedophiles and keep TOMO3rd drunk.
Religion is s snare and a racket.
Hiddley. Just to confirm. VZ = Visitors?
What is NI? Northern Ireland? I'm not up on these abbreviations.
As with Truthy, isn't it funny how 'worldly(tm)' people are far more compassionate than the WBT$ likes to lie about.