Hi Sandie- I am a non believer but here's my punt.........
1. Can Jehovah's Witnesses practice faith with the Bible as a guide, or is it crucial to include the teachings of the Watchtower Society?
From their own publications
“They say that it is sufficient to read the bible exclusively,
either alone or in small groups at home. But, strangely, through such ‘Bible
reading,’ they have reverted right back to the apostate doctrines that
commentaries by Christendom’s clergy were teaching 100 years ago…”—The
Watchtower, August 15, 1981, pp. 28-29
Watchtower Corporation propaganda trumps the Bible every time...even when they pretend it doesn't. the leaders will twist Bible passages if it fits their own money and power mad agenda.
Can you please explain why or why not?
It's a cult. The leaders only want to be treated like rock stars with power and money. They also need money to protect sexual predators within their corporation. I refer you to the Australian Royal Commission that proves this is the case.
2. How do you explain the biblical passages that claim Jesus is God? How do you explain His own claims to be God?
If it's 'you' as in 'me' Unky Punky, then I don't. I think the whole Bible is just fairy tales and been used as a great big scam. I don't see evidence for a God and I've never seen anything outside the Bible that convinces me Jesus was as per Bible....if he even existed.
3. Do Jehovah's Witnesses have assurance of salvation?
No. they need to keep paying homage to their leaders the Governing Body(tm).
Is there any way to achieve that?
No one ever will. It's abstract and unreal. Just another way their leaders can obtain money, booze and power.
Tonus has given an excellent precis. Mine is as I am, a tad brusque. I tend to be more of a cross between Nihilism and Zen.