FM - I don’t mean what JW taught in the past that they later realized was not correct and amended.
Well, that narrows it down. What time-frame are you narrowing it down to? Last 25 years? Why brush the cult's failures under the carpet?
Why was there something not correct? God dropped his phone in the toilet again?
Unless you think and can show something like that is relevant.
It's all relevant. If the cult leaders need to make 'corrections' then something is deeply wrong with them. they should have got it right the 1st time Jehovah(tm) whispered in TOMO's ear. Or was he too drunk to hear properly?
OK. Loss of lives because of the cult's stance on refusing blood transfusions. Then they changed to being ok with blood 'fractions(tm)'. What of the lives lost and families damaged by the stance before 'blood fractions(tm)' that needn't have happened after the 'correction(tm)'?
You tell me.
Smiddy - How can the JW`s religion be consistent if they have modified /changed their position
Spot on mate!