Nuffy - your disbelief in God doesn't spite the GB in the least
I didn't suggest that was ever my intention. Not sure how you arrived at that conclusion. Although, it is something my Mum would say. One thing doesn't lead to another. Maybe I am not explaining myself well. It is nearly Tea-time (Dinner time?), anyway. I'm at loathing the GB(tm) for making me believe their trash. (I'd normally say 'rubbish' but my friends over the Atlantic say trash and garbage), All of it.
Tonus said it better - I didn't stop believing in god because I left the JWs. I stopped being a JW when I realized I didn't believe in god.
Although I still believed after I left and went to Church to worship.
My position now, is that until proper evidence is presented, to prove a God/s exist/s, I will remain sceptical. I won't be fooled again. I think that's a very fair position, and considering different cultures preach a different deity/s. Why believe any of them? Just because it's more predominant in Western culture, doesn't mean it is true.
Bible, Quran, Zoroastrianism(I'll put my teeth back in), , Zen and more all think theirs is the way.
For now, Indy is in a bit of a spot.
Time will tell.