JoinedPosts by punkofnice
Are humans naturally a monogamous species? -
Kneel before me, for I am an ... Activist!
by Simon ini thought it was just me that had a negative view of people who proclaim themselves to be activists.. but no, it seems i'm not alone!.
Speaking for myself, when I first discovered the WBT$ was nothing more than a cult, I was fairly active. I still had the JW mind-set. Bifurcated thinking. I thought the GB were Apostates(tm) in the JW meaning of the word.
Then I saw them as a greedy corporation pretending to be a religion for the benefit of paedophiles and the GB. Make of that what you will.
Then I turned Christian and was still seeing the Jobots in 'scriptural(tm)' terms. this is hellishly confusing.
Then I became a staunch atheist and felt that all religions are frauds. I hate seeing people quote scripture to prove the GB wrong because it's all nonsense. Why not quote from the Quran? That's just as believable as the Bible.
Right now, I have relaxed my stance and admit that I have no idea what's out there. 'What is truth?' I know it isn't the watchtower.
So now, I am not active in anyway because it seems pointless. I know some will disagree.
I think I have kind of mingled into mainstream society at long last.
All I want now is a rich widow and I'm set!
Do you think the brothers who wrote watchtower articles are living in real world?
by Longlivetherenegades indo you think the brothers who wrote watchtower articles are living in real world?........
david splane........ powerful by faith convention 2021 video.
please i got an excerpt of this from another video but the response by david splane is not included.
Ding - I often wonder to what extent they believe their own teachings
I wonder this myself. when I became an Elder(tm), I saw the dark side of their corporation. That it was, indeed, only a corporation and not a genuine religion. All fake so the elites get power and money.
I also suspect that their protection of paedos indicates that they themselves are paedos. I hope not. It seems apparent that TOMO3 is a drunk.
They are not living in the real world. They live in a Jimmy Saville - Gary Glitter paradise. They are flith!
Who really is the faithful and discreet slave?
by Fisherman in“who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time?” — math 24:45. according to jw, the faithful and discreet slave are the “anointed” men of the “governing body” of the jehovah’s witnesses religion..
Fish - Remember how Jesus told Peter to feed his sheep and Jesus wasn’t only referring to Peter.
I don't remember that, at least not in that way. It sounds like a bit of an extension has been added to prop up Xtian fanatical propaganda.
My problems are that I'm not 100% convinced Jesus or Peter existed. If they did, was it in the way the Bible states?
Although there are words of wisdom in the Bible, there is also weird stuff. I remain an XJW, (I cannot believe their 'teachings(tm)' because of my discoveries about them. I am an ex Christian and probably more of an aficionado of many written wisdom books(for want of a better word), , without the God bit. I'm totally unsure about God right now.
Then there's the thing about people in the West gravitating to Christianity but if you're in Asia for instance, not.
Sorry. I digress.
As you were people. -
Do you believe that this life is all there is
by Fisherman inthe bible records resurrections and there is orher evidence besides that gives hope.
what do you think, is there enough evidence to believe in another life?.
I haven't a scooby doo, mate. (That's UK rhyming slang for clue for my friends over the Atlantic and such).
I don't consider myself arrogant enough to 'know(tm)'.
We'll see in the end..........or not.....depending.....
JW's are the SAME as other Christians....
by BoogerMan in...they condemn/attack those whose beliefs/opinions/interpretations of scriptures differ from theirs.. various scriptures reveal to christians that the judging of mankind will be done by christ jesus: .
john 5:22,28,29, acts 10:42, acts 17:31, romans 14:9, 2 cor.
5:10, 2 tim.
Usually religious people think that their's is the right path. It's obvious to them, that's why the follow their chosen way. Not much point following if you're not convinced.
Someone has to be wrong.
ALL babies are "little enemies of God"...
by BoogerMan instraight from the horse's gb's mouth - from the 2022 convention broadcast.. it's at the 38 min.
30 secs.
point of the jw broadcast: https://www.jw.org/en/library/videos/#en/mediaitems/2022convention/pub-co-r22_1_video.
This is the kind of stupid nonsense you hear when a dimwit spouts their 'if you think about it(tm)' garbage.
Dunning Kruger award to Lord Lett for saying such a mentally challenged thing. He obviously has trouble in the thinking department. If that's what he thought, then his head must be empty. There's bats in his belfry.
Whether you think his words are harmless or not, it betrays the clown world the Governing Body(tm) (Pee be upon them), live in and why those drunken paedo lovers spew out of their bumbatoots.
Who really is the faithful and discreet slave?
by Fisherman in“who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time?” — math 24:45. according to jw, the faithful and discreet slave are the “anointed” men of the “governing body” of the jehovah’s witnesses religion..
Amazing how they take a helpful parable and make it about themselves.
If that doesn't scream 'cult', I don't know what does, so to speak.
They use a modern day corporate kind of term 'governing body' and try to crowbar it into scriptures.
Do those paedo protecting frauds think we don't notice?
The Watchtower—Study Edition | September 2022 Prove Yourself Trustworthy
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | september 2022. elders do not reveal confidential matters to their family members (see paragraph 11) .
elders who are known to keep a confidence are “a hiding place from the wind, a place of concealment” for their brothers.
They wouldn't print this if they didn't think it was a problem.
Quick builds
by moley inwhat was the standard of quick builds.
did they cut corners, ignore building regulations, were they unsafe .
NBD - Quick builds ended in the 90s right? If so I'm wondering if there are actually any left that haven't been remodeled or rebuilt after 30 years.
The one nearest to me, which I helped on, is now a Mosque.
Makes you wonder about the dedication to true worship ritual the Jobots initiated just after it was built..............
Bleedin' idiots.