River - And as my late father warned me back in the day, “Religion is like whisky and beer - you can live without it.”
TOMO the drunk 3rd can't live without whiskey.
what i mean by the title of this thread is what has happened to a relative of mine, one who is really upset about this factor:.
this relative is a distant cousin on my mother's side of the family.
she studied as a child and got baptized at 14 1/2 years old.
River - And as my late father warned me back in the day, “Religion is like whisky and beer - you can live without it.”
TOMO the drunk 3rd can't live without whiskey.
if anyone were to come up to you claiming that they are the faithful and discreet slave, how would you go about proving them to be false, based upon scripture?.
F&DS. Hahaaaaa. I laugh up my ruffled sleeve.
Geoff Jackson at the Australian Royal Commission Aug 15
Angus Stewart Q. And do you see yourselves as Jehovah God's spokespeople on earth?
G Jackson answered. “That I think, would seem to be quite presumptuous to say that we are the only spokesperson that God is using.“
So, what's this that Jackson is saying? there are other F&DS's?
I'm so glad I don't believe this clap trap anymore. All this debate about something from a book of fiction and fairy tales has people wasting their time debating rubbish. What a waste of time and life. Even now I regret even considering this poppycock.
are these projects going to be a noose around their neck that they won`t be able to fullfill their obligations ?.
and complete these projects ?.
Probably TOMO3rd, the one with the slurred voice and what looks like a whiskey addiction wants your money for booze.
This is a new project they're probably working on....
TOMO the drunk 3rd is already slurring about hotdogs to go with his booze. 'Oh, man hotdogs. Hic!'
i thought about this when i read the expression in another thread, "someone was stumbled", they would never tell you who the person was, and simply used it to control you, or it got worse, some times it was "you might stumble someone" .. who were these stumbling loons of which they spoke ?
not only was it a control mechanism, it encouraged you to not be your real self, ever.. i liked the response of one of my jw relatives to this, where they expected him to change the person he was, he said "these people accusing me are not perfect are they ?
no, well then, they cannot expect perfection from me".
Meanwhile, because of alcohol, TOMO3rd is stumbling all over the place....and slurring his words.
The Governing Body(tm) (Pee be upon them), with their protection of sexual predators have more than 'stumbled(tm)' me. They have propelled me from their unsafe, unChristian and un almost everything cult.
i thought about this when i read the expression in another thread, "someone was stumbled", they would never tell you who the person was, and simply used it to control you, or it got worse, some times it was "you might stumble someone" .. who were these stumbling loons of which they spoke ?
not only was it a control mechanism, it encouraged you to not be your real self, ever.. i liked the response of one of my jw relatives to this, where they expected him to change the person he was, he said "these people accusing me are not perfect are they ?
no, well then, they cannot expect perfection from me".
Do you think they started this control technique deliberately, 1984 style, or it just naturally followed as the cult developed?
definition of deep state.
: an alleged secret network of especially nonelected government officials and sometimes private entities (as in the financial services and defense industries) operating extralegally to influence and enact government policy.
the power of the deep state comes from experience, knowledge, relationships, insight, craft, special skills, traditions, and shared values.
We'll never know for sure, any of this because we are unimportant working class slaves.
Thinking we know 'special' stuff is like being a Jobot again. We don't. We never will. We're just not that important. We are mere specks on the dusty shelf of life.
i thought about this when i read the expression in another thread, "someone was stumbled", they would never tell you who the person was, and simply used it to control you, or it got worse, some times it was "you might stumble someone" .. who were these stumbling loons of which they spoke ?
not only was it a control mechanism, it encouraged you to not be your real self, ever.. i liked the response of one of my jw relatives to this, where they expected him to change the person he was, he said "these people accusing me are not perfect are they ?
no, well then, they cannot expect perfection from me".
The whole 'stumbled(tm)' thing never made sense to me....even when I was a fully indoctrinated Jobot.
If someone is 'stumbled(tm)', what does that say about them? Why are they so 'spiritually weak(tm)' in the first place?
Like a lot of Jobot buzz words, they ARE used as control mechanisms.
Consider 'in the truth(tm)'. If you repeat this to yourself you are tricking your mind in to believing you have the correct cult. I'm sure there is probably a Jobot Buzzword thread here somewhere...or perhaps we should start one including definitions of said buzzword.
I'm not sure who this geezer is but he looks happy.....
what i mean by the title of this thread is what has happened to a relative of mine, one who is really upset about this factor:.
this relative is a distant cousin on my mother's side of the family.
she studied as a child and got baptized at 14 1/2 years old.
She is now WAKING UP, seeing that ALL of the things she did for the Borg and the DONATIONS she gave to it, THEY HAVE NOT HELPED HER IN ANY SHAPE, FORM, OR FASHION regarding her life at this juncture in time.
This typifies at least for me, the experiences of many.
It is my experience in many ways too.
I don't know what to say, really. Once you realise all your efforts and 'contributions(tm)' are just so that the Governing Body(tm) (Pee be upon them), can protect paedophiles and keep TOMO3rd drunk.
Religion is s snare and a racket.
Hiddley. Just to confirm. VZ = Visitors?
What is NI? Northern Ireland? I'm not up on these abbreviations.
As with Truthy, isn't it funny how 'worldly(tm)' people are far more compassionate than the WBT$ likes to lie about.
here are 2 reviews about the recent watchtower study article "is your name in “the book of life?':.
Supposing you get mixed up with someone who isn't in the book because you have the same name?
As we know, God does make mistakes. It says so in the Bible, too.
lol .
w54 5/1 p. 277 par.
17 - some of the “great crowd” are now serving in position of “princes,” .
roady - Imagine if MST did a Jobot meeting. That really would be the gauntlet!
fooly - this sister would have the nerve to counsel my mother to comment with out an accent.
Isn't this just typical of these sanctimonious types. the fact that she claimed to be 'anointed(tm)' shows the level of attention seeking they're at. Sad creatures.