The same Elder(tm) was on the Platform(tm) and started an item,
'I'm a man and so is my wife.....'
He paused then continued,
'Who doesn't like to see cruelty to animals....................Why are you laughing Brothers?'
i was out on the ministry(tm) in the 1980's when i was pie-on-earring.
i was only a lowly publisher(tm) being coached by a rather odd elder(tm).. one of the publications(tm) had recently mentioned japan and the growth(tm) of jws there.. the elder(tm), brother(tm) i was with offered the magazines(tm) to the householder(tm).. then he stated, 'there are (gave the reported numbers at the time.
i can't remember the number he stated), jehovah's witnesses(tm) in japan.'.
The same Elder(tm) was on the Platform(tm) and started an item,
'I'm a man and so is my wife.....'
He paused then continued,
'Who doesn't like to see cruelty to animals....................Why are you laughing Brothers?'
i was out on the ministry(tm) in the 1980's when i was pie-on-earring.
i was only a lowly publisher(tm) being coached by a rather odd elder(tm).. one of the publications(tm) had recently mentioned japan and the growth(tm) of jws there.. the elder(tm), brother(tm) i was with offered the magazines(tm) to the householder(tm).. then he stated, 'there are (gave the reported numbers at the time.
i can't remember the number he stated), jehovah's witnesses(tm) in japan.'.
Nuffy - Brilliant to hear now. I bet at the time it was a case of, 'ground swallow me up, now!'
i was out on the ministry(tm) in the 1980's when i was pie-on-earring.
i was only a lowly publisher(tm) being coached by a rather odd elder(tm).. one of the publications(tm) had recently mentioned japan and the growth(tm) of jws there.. the elder(tm), brother(tm) i was with offered the magazines(tm) to the householder(tm).. then he stated, 'there are (gave the reported numbers at the time.
i can't remember the number he stated), jehovah's witnesses(tm) in japan.'.
Tonus - I think I had many moments like that. A biker came to the door once and said, 'I'm a Satanist.'
I was willing to talk to him about Iron Maiden and such delights but the Brother(tm) I was with said, 'Well, thank you goodbye.' He proceeded to almost run from the block of flats. He told me how frightened he was and we mustn't get mixed up with these people.
I said, 'You do know he was having you on, don't you?!'
Oh, I have other stories. I left the JWs with the over riding thought that most of them were didlow.
99% were vaccinated.. .
correction, there is no such thing as a bethel family, bethel hotel, yes, there always been bethelites coming and going.
Indy - it’s obvious that the shots killed most of the older older ones and many of the not so old older ones died due to the shots
Slidin Fast has a point here.
We might be leaning toward our own confirmation bias about the jabberoo, if we're not too careful.
I think, for us (at least me), to consider what you say seriously, I'd need to know numbers, reported causes of death. Over what period? How do we know they were all jabbed? In the case of old folk, they pop their clogs all the time. Why would we think the jab have terminated them sooner?
Or to put it Slidin rather rapidly said:
quote your evidence
i was out on the ministry(tm) in the 1980's when i was pie-on-earring.
i was only a lowly publisher(tm) being coached by a rather odd elder(tm).. one of the publications(tm) had recently mentioned japan and the growth(tm) of jws there.. the elder(tm), brother(tm) i was with offered the magazines(tm) to the householder(tm).. then he stated, 'there are (gave the reported numbers at the time.
i can't remember the number he stated), jehovah's witnesses(tm) in japan.'.
I was out on the Ministry(tm) in the 1980's when I was pie-on-earring. I was only a lowly Publisher(tm) being coached by a rather odd Elder(tm).
One of the publications(tm) had recently mentioned Japan and the Growth(tm) of JWs there.
The Elder(tm), Brother(tm) I was with offered the magazines(tm) to the householder(tm).
Then he stated, 'There are (gave the reported numbers at the time. I can't remember the number he stated), Jehovah's witnesses(tm) in Japan.'
He then asked, 'Do you know why?'
H/H shook her head.
Then Brother Bonkers repeatedly smashed his fist into his palm and said in a loud voice, 'Because we dropped the bomb on them. That's why!!!'
Exit H/H. Exit me.
He wasn't the only completely didlow person I went on the ministry(tm) with.
what does anyone think about the "famous people" who allegedly predicted the future?
edgar cayce, nostrodamus, etc.... are they just as much whack jobs as the wtb& ts?.
Foggy - What does anyone think about the "famous people" who allegedly predicted the future?
They're complete and utter mental cases. They need putting in a padded cell. Put in a straight jacket and medicated.
I'm sure just do it for money and/or attention seeking.
'I pity the fool' that believes their nonsense.
dedicate your life to jehovah, by being baptized as a jw - not as a christian.
(a follower of christ - acts 11:26).
dedicate yourself to Jehovah and to get baptized is the most important decision you will ever make.
Well, for starters, it's not to Jehovah(tm), it's to the Organisation(tm).
And of course, if it is the 'most important decision', no wonder the indoctrinated culties will not be ready.
TOMO needs his booze money, so they need bums on seats.
jehovah's witnesses run to the book of james staying that faith without works is dead.
they completely ignore the teachings of paul and hold onto james.
.. it would appear that there is a contradiction between james' teaching and paul's teaching, yet the bible tells us to rightly divide the word of truth.
Cofty - How to be saved by god from what god will do to us if we don't believe him.
Reminds me of the Mafia boss that holds a gun to your head and says, 'If you don't give me the money I'm not entitled to, I'll blow your head off.....and it's YOUR fault!'
i wonder how many are like me staying pimo for the great association and gathering etc.
also find it very interesting having a front row seat watching the collapse of borg.. im not wasting any more time or money on anything i don’t want to do like preaching and mostly just go on zoom .
there is nothing i want to do that would be considered disfellowshiping sin, i’m married and want to live by bible principles but i have serious doubts that the gb were chosen by god and are his one and only spokesmen on earth.
Nuffy - your disbelief in God doesn't spite the GB in the least
I didn't suggest that was ever my intention. Not sure how you arrived at that conclusion. Although, it is something my Mum would say. One thing doesn't lead to another. Maybe I am not explaining myself well. It is nearly Tea-time (Dinner time?), anyway. I'm at loathing the GB(tm) for making me believe their trash. (I'd normally say 'rubbish' but my friends over the Atlantic say trash and garbage), All of it.
Tonus said it better - I didn't stop believing in god because I left the JWs. I stopped being a JW when I realized I didn't believe in god.
Although I still believed after I left and went to Church to worship.
My position now, is that until proper evidence is presented, to prove a God/s exist/s, I will remain sceptical. I won't be fooled again. I think that's a very fair position, and considering different cultures preach a different deity/s. Why believe any of them? Just because it's more predominant in Western culture, doesn't mean it is true.
Bible, Quran, Zoroastrianism(I'll put my teeth back in), , Zen and more all think theirs is the way.
For now, Indy is in a bit of a spot.
Time will tell.
i wonder how many are like me staying pimo for the great association and gathering etc.
also find it very interesting having a front row seat watching the collapse of borg.. im not wasting any more time or money on anything i don’t want to do like preaching and mostly just go on zoom .
there is nothing i want to do that would be considered disfellowshiping sin, i’m married and want to live by bible principles but i have serious doubts that the gb were chosen by god and are his one and only spokesmen on earth.
Nuffy - You will get fed up some day and throw in the towel.
This is very true. At some stage it all gets a bit much.
they take their spite out on God himself
In my case, I take my spite out on the Governing Body(tm)(Pee be upon them) because I am no longer convinced there is a God.
Disbelief in God becomes convenient to some.
I'm sure in some cases this is true, Nuffy. In my case it's genuine and very inconvenient.
The Governing Body(tm)(Pee be upon them), have lied and continue to lie. I was a victim of their grift. Socratic questioning has taken me to a more logical place. Not a place I want to be, but hey, you gotta face facts. Facts don't care about feelings.
I loathe The child abuse enabling drunkards called the Governing Body(tm)(Pee be upon them)