All no we are not a cult. We love our children. We give them gifts on other days. We take them to the park or the beach. We want our kids to be educated. After reading all the abuse from you all it really makes my stomach turn. I had it bad other ways a lease my parents didn't do the things I just read. Sometimes extreme neglect is good. Cult, Cult, Cult. How can parents treat their children that way? Totally ADD
JoinedPosts by TotallyADD
For born in's: how did your parents get you to answer up?
by highdose inmy mum used to smack me on the arm with a rolled up wt when it was my turn to answer, she said it was " to make sure you didn't forget!".
most of the time i ended up just yelling "ow!
" and rubbing my arm, but she never got the message.. another way was to scream at me non stop all the way home after the meetings if i hadn't answered up.
If your parents made you spend week after week doing this ...
by just n from bethel in
you probably never developed skills like this 12 year old.... .
I was 8 when I gave my first Bible reading. I was such a poor reader mostly because of my ADD and bad teachers and parents who really didn't care. It was a small congregation and the school overseer was sitting in front of me and every other word I did not know so he would tell me the word out loud. For me even though I became quite accomplish speaker I think at such a young age that was one of causes of my anxiety I suffer with today. Adults making children do adult things. Totally ADD
I don't get it - this little baby gets a personal revelation but not me?
by just n from bethel in
hey i guess the jws aren't the only church that doesn't put on special programs for the kids..
DagothUr you are not the only one who thinks a great religious war is coming. The other day at the flea market the guy who was running the booth next to mine told me the same thing. My wife cousin is scared to death that the muslims are going to bomb her home and see a war coming with them. All in the name of religion. Totally ADD
Should Youths Get Baptized?
by xcellxior inhave a look at the pictures of this youth.
doesn't look like his voice has even broken.. first article in the "study" edition..
"does reading the bible and studying the.
The answer is No, No, No. Lets all remember what happen to PublishingCult brother. Very sad. Why are children denied their childhood in the JW cult. Why are they forced to make adult decision so early in their life. To put that much pressure and forced reponsiblity on such young ones is child abuse. I remember when I got baptized I was 16 at that time I didn't even know what I wanted to do for a living or who I was going to marry. I still had my learner permit to drive. I could not vote, drink or enter legal contracts. But the most important decision in your life according to the cult can be made as a minor child. How many lives have been destoryed by this. What ever happen to the teaching that child is protected by their parents. I guess the GB threw that teaching out the door. It's a cult. Control is all they want. Totally ADD
Do you remerber your first shepherding call from the Gestapo
by jam ina jw about a year, still trying to get a handle on things, walk.
the walk and talk the talk.
the wife was moving ahead.
Yes back in 1982 we had our first so called shepherding call. We had just had a baby and at that time my wife had her tubes tied. Having a newborn and also a 5 and 3 year old we missed meeting. The word got out my wife had her tubes tied and two elders came over and told us we had demons in the house because we missed meetings and our field service was low. No help, no understanding just finger pointing. This may sound weird but this was one one the reasons later in life I wanted to become a elder so I could stop idiots like this amd change things. Boy was I wrong. Totally ADD
The Effects of JW Child Abuse into Adulthood
by PublishingCult inmy two oldest brothers, jim and ron, were coerced into baptism when they were but 10 and 11 years old.. .
they were indoctrinated heavily, of course, and they tried to toe the line and be good little jw boys as best two unruly fatherless boys could.
the nature of a boy won out and they both got into some mischief about a year later.
I like my wife am so sorry for your loss. Being the same age as your brother and raised in this cult in my opinion is one of the worse things that can happen to a child. I know the pain and I feel that pain everyday. Your brother sounds like a man I would have really loved to have known. I am sure. Sorry it hurts to much to say anymore. God Bless You. So sorry for your loss. Totally ADD
STOP being naive - the time has come to use your PRIMAL SENSES
by Dogpatch ina lot of us spend a great deal of time on this board and elsewhere discussing the intricate doctrines of the .
watch tower as if they were legitimate arguments from the bible.. one of these is the issue of blood and blood transfusion.. another is "who is the faithful and discreet slave?".
or "what is the definition of "generation" given in the bible, so we can prove the witnesses wrong?.
Sorry Randy I just can't resist to tell you this joke. What does a dyslexic atheist believe? There is no Dog. LOL Sorry I know this is a very serious subject. Totally ADD
Circuit Assembly Lowlights
by Red Piller inour do is a southerner- his drawl makes the.
scary things he says much easier to swallow.. some highlights of his talks:.
apostates are miserable.
Boy! It the WT keeps saying things that a certain movie is bad like Avatar somebody might think they are a cult. Oh wait a minute they are. Totally ADD
STOP being naive - the time has come to use your PRIMAL SENSES
by Dogpatch ina lot of us spend a great deal of time on this board and elsewhere discussing the intricate doctrines of the .
watch tower as if they were legitimate arguments from the bible.. one of these is the issue of blood and blood transfusion.. another is "who is the faithful and discreet slave?".
or "what is the definition of "generation" given in the bible, so we can prove the witnesses wrong?.
Dear Randy, Thank you for your object lesson. My problem and I am sure of many others is being born-in. Our frame of reference is only of the cult. So I can see why we get hung up on some of these subjects. I agree with what you say. I know with logic that their teachings make no sense but there are those times mostly at night with only my thoughts in my head the cult thinking kicks in. At first I begin to wonder what the hell am I doing, then I come back to reality. I agree with sabstious statement years in the cult, years to get over it. Well I am 56 years old and a born-in. Does that mean I will have to live to 112 to finally get over it? Hopefully not. I will start being more like Toto and use my nose more. The educating of myself is still going on but my conviction that this is a cult is stronger than ever. I hope I am not naive but if I am I will start using my primal senses even more. Totally ADD
Higher Education June 15th Watchtower 2011
by jwfacts in"higher education: jesus warned against seeking your own glory.
(john 7:18) whatever you decide as to how much secular education you will obtain, have you made sure of the more important things?phil.
1:9,10.. grzegorz, the computer programmer, made some changes in his life.
I am not a complete waste of oxygen. I am very creative and try to bring joy to people's lives. Totally ADD
PS You are right on one thing though for born-ins it is harder to think for ones self. But it can be done.