That's what you call true Mental Illness. The grandmother is a victim of cult thinking and she does not even know it. In the long run she will pay for her hard hearted thinking. Children grow up and remember who was mean to them or nice to them when they were kids. Sad. Totally ADD
JoinedPosts by TotallyADD
JW tells granddaughter that her parents are Satan Worshippers
by darthfader init's a pretty polarizing statement.
either you are in the "truth" and the light of the organization or you are a satan worshipper.. i guess i now realize who the statement "having no natural effection" applies to.. sheesh....
Are you smarter than an Atheist? I found the results to be amusing.
by jam ina survey of 32 question of religious knowledge given by the.
pew forum on the religion and public life.. get this, on average, americans got 16 of 32 right.. number one group, yes, the atheists and agnostics got.
an average of (20.9), jews (20.5), mormons(20.3), protestants(16).
I got 27 out of 32 or 84%. Not bad for a guy with ADD. Totally ADD
My Motives For Denouncing Homophobia and Bigotry
by PublishingCult ini just want to be clear on this.
some have attributed my motives for denouncing homophobia and bigotry to my being gay.
some have come to the conclusion that i must be gay for shouting down the homophobes and bigots on this board.
Hey outlaw the last time I did Temp work at Bethel I was the only one with white underwear. Everybody else had every color underwear under the sun. From boxers to bikini. I felt so out of place. Totally ADD
PS I do agree with PC. My thinking on this matter has changed alot over the last 3 years.
38% of Americans & Glenn Beck Believe Japan Disaster a Sign From God
by whereami in
glenn beck - "god punished japan with earthquake, tsunami".
Some of the new friends my wife and I are making outside of WT world really think Glenn Beck is great. I am on the other hand think he uses the same cult techniques the WT has perfected many years ago. According to our freinds Glenn Beck says if you don't believe me do the research yourself. When I heard that all I could do is bite my tongue and say to myself cult, cult, cult. Totally ADD
Hello everyone
by jean-luc picard inim new to your site so ill present myself.
its been 15 years since i escaped the borg.
i was in a unhappy marriage.
Welcome jean-luc picard. Anger is what men usually manifest when they have gone through some sort of trauma in the past. If you are a born-in you most definitely have gone through many traumas due to the mind control of the WT. So Mat does make a good point. Professional counciling can go a long way in making your family life alot more peaceful. I am a born-in, served as an elder for over 24 years it wasn't until I got professional counciling that peace came to our household. I understand how that anger comes up in the most unusual ways. Certian things trigger it off. With help you will be able to identify those triggers and learn how to deal with them. For now enjoy your new avenue on this board to vent your problems. Everybody here is willing to listen. Most are understanding and know were you are coming from. Good luck on your journey. On the lighter side I love your Avatar name. Sit back and have a cup of Earl Grey Tea. Hot. And relax. Glad to have you on board. Totally ADD
My 16 year Old is Having Surgery Tomarrow
by lovelylil inboy am i glad we are not witnesses anymore.
my son is having two large cysts removed tomarrow, they are in sort of a delicate area.
because of where they are located, the potential for heavy blood loss is high.
Mrs. Reopened Mind and me wil be thinking of you and your son today. Best wishes to all of you. Totally ADD
Water Canopy? Huh?
by Mr. Falcon in*** w80 11/15 p. 23 par.
4 jehovah of armies to the rescue!
the fact that today we do not have a vast water canopy suspended high up in space and all around our globe and thus blocking direct sunlight, moonlight and starlight is because jehovah saw what was going on down here upon his terrestrial footstool and took action.
I know what you mean Mr. Falcon. I to only had a JW education. It was my wife the college educated one who brought to my attention that the air pressure would be to great for life on earth if there was a water canopy. When she told me that it was one of those small moments in my life that my brain actually have some intelligents going through it. Totally ADD
Check this out: IRIS Seismic Monitor all the earthquakes in the world
by Terry in seismic monitorwww.iris.edurecent earthquakes or seismic events, are displayed on an interactive earthquake map server gmt educational wilber seismicity observation map of earthquakes stations fdsn magnitude links google seismic surfing plate tectonics education and outreach iris dms dmc e&o barnes taber welti ahern
You live on a fault line like the pacific plate you can expect a few shake ups in your life. Serveral years ago I was at the museum of natural history in NY they had a seismic monitor. It was really neat watching it as it recorded movement all over the earth. Totally ADD
Interesting article from an ex JW
by sspo in
Excellent article. I love the point a teenage JW can't date or be friends with someone of the opposite sex because they are not mature enough. But when it comes to life and death decisions concerning a blood transfusion all of a sudden they are mature enough to make the decisions for themselves. A cult is a cult because it is a cult. Don't you just love that circular reasoning? The Borg truly hates the children. As a born-in I know. Totally ADD
Hello, my name is:
by fortis et liber ini have lurked here literally for years and, finally, i got up the nerve to say hello 'officially' so, hello!.
i left the borg in '97, i'm the youngest in my family of all dubs.
i was pretty much born-in as i believe i was around 2yrs old when my parents began their transition from independent thinkers to borgs.
Welcome fortis et liber. I to a born-in know full will the pain you have been going through. It sounds like you are pretty smart person to have left so many years ago and able to survive the trauma of leaving this cult. My parents also were hard asses about this cult. It is so nice you have introduce yourself to all of us. We all have different stories but at the same time a common thread runs through all our experiences. Take care. Totally ADD