Most definitely.
JW's avoid making friends with "normal" (wicked, worldly) people at shcool or work, thus there simply are no relationships with them.
JW's even avoid non-JW (wicked, worldly) family members, thus there are usually only "damaged" relationships with extended family. (JW's won't go to their weddings or funerals in a church of if officiated by a (wicked) clergyman of Christendom, but they are expected to go to the Kingdumb Hall for JW events.)
JW's don't even learn how to really make friends, because all of the other JW's are their "automatic" (conditional) friends just because they are both JW's. Thus, once leaving the Troof, former JW's have poor skills at making friends with "normal" (wicked, worldly) people because it is NOT to make REAL FRIENDS as it was to make (fake) JW Friends.