You have two paths to choose.
One, move on with your life. Yes, you will be shunned and ignored (and the subject of gossip) by JWs and likely even by your JW (conditional) friends and JW family (if you have such). If you can bear those consequences, you're probably better off getting out of the Cult. (But it will take perhaps years longer to get out of the Cult mentality.)
Two, if you "need" to be in for the sake of family or business or whatever, you will need to grovel and kissass for 6-12 months by attending meetings and being remorseful when meeting with Elders if you hope to be reinstated. Some might criticize you for this, but only you can determine what is the best route for you. If you go this route, once you get back "in" make immediate plans to "fade" and move on with your life.
Good luck!
The greatest revenge is living a happy & successful life!