I see the meetings, assemblies, and even the Memorial going to online presentations -- AS LONG AS CONTRIBUTIONS FLOW INTO THEM VIA ONLINE CONTRIBUTIONS
JoinedPosts by DesirousOfChange
Social distancing and the Memorial
by Kingdavid41 inwith the coronavirus now categorized as a global pandemic and many large gatherings are now social distancing for safety concerns of contacting and spreading the virus.. will the memorial of christ death take place on april 7 2020 worldwide where thousands will gaether in large crowds to commemorate the death of jesus as commanded in the bible.
jesus gave the command to keep doing this in remembrance of him or will sound, reasonableness and good judgment for safety overrule on that special night.
my guess is that it will not be canceled regardless of the frightening and very real pandemic the virus has caused around the world!.
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Status Update Thread
by Simon inthis topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
The state of Washington just banned gatherings over 250 people in our three largest counties.
Who picked the number of "250" out of their @$$ ?
That makes no sense at all!
the Mormon Church has $70,000,000,000
by neat blue dog inhttps://www.sltrib.com/religion/2020/03/07/lds-church-discloses/.
it turns out the lds church has about $38b in stocks and mutual funds from major companies such as apple, microsoft, amazon, walmart and others.
they also have numerous dummy corporations to hold assests with a combined value of $32b.
Mormons preach happy family life
How far is this lunacy going to go?
by The Fall Guy inpeople in the uk who apply for a blue badge (parking permit for disabled people) on the government web site, are asked to select one of three options regarding their gender:.
1. male .
2. female.
I need to know to call them a "lying dog faced pony soldier"
Simon, no one can say that's not "politically correct"!
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Status Update Thread
by Simon inthis topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
It's like everything else. The Data-Pack post makes it seem "not so bad'. But the the post warning against "downplaying" the situation makes me want to cancel everything and just binge on Netflix for a couple weeks.
Note to self: Better run out for beer to stockpile before I decide to stay in!
Here in the US, the confirmed cases Friday broke 500. Today they broke 1000.
Remember the story of paying a person $1.00 the first day, and doubling the amount each subsequent day?
Day #1 = $1.00
Day #2 = $2.00
Day #3 = $4.00
Day #10 = $512
Day #16 = $32,000
Day #21 = Over $1 million
That's how the increase of the virus cases will be if it continues to double every 5 days. By the end of April (6 weeks) there will be more cases in the US than there are today in China.
Do you think any of the GB have different beliefs?
by neat blue dog indo you think any higher ups know that much of the doctrine they teach is bunk?
thinking back to the time of raymond franz, how he pointed out specifically numerous teachings that the churches really did have right all along, and really any of the hidden mic apostacy trials you listen to on youtube, you see that even when inconvenient bible teachings are proven, the elders just try to sweep it under the rug and move on.
i think i remember franz saying how one of the gb approached him somewhat sympathetically, but there was nothing he could do.. whether you believe in the bible or not, there are some basic beliefs common among most denominations because they're just so plainly stated, such things as heavenly life for all christians, no central authority structure, minimal use of god's name, etc.
Of course some have "different" beliefs or they would never have "New Light", however they are forced to "discover" New Light only when the "Old Light" is proven to be so incorrect, ie, 1914 generation will not die. Well guess what? They are ALL dead. It didn't take rocket science to discern that. The JW GB was FORCED to come up with some New Light Bullshit to explain away the error of the Old 1914 doctrine.
Further, you know there are "different" beliefs because when 1 or 2 GB members die, that is when the New Light hits the scene. The dead member was a hold out from them reaching their 2/3 majority in voting in New Light doctrines.
It seem clear that they are running the JW religion on a reactionary game plan. There are NO prophecies or doctrinal changes that are truly "prophesy". It's all "after-the-fact" reactionary changes that are, at best, "temporary fixes".
Yet, most of the JoHo's just smile and nod their head with that "deer in the headlight" look when there is such New Light. The Borganization is SOO wonderful!
They need MORE $$$$$
by TallTexan ini haven't been to a meeting in years, but i was recently told by a friend of mine that they have really been hammering the 'use of your valuable things in support of the kingdom' in many of the talks and thursday night parts.
i know they used to mention it all the time, but he said it's gotten really bad lately.
i told him that's because the membership in the western (translate that to "richer"...lol) countries has really fallen off and even become negative in many countries and that the 3rd world countries can't contribute enough to support the great publishing empire.
The purchased the hotels near Warwick for workers without any concern for cash flow. Hard for me to believe they're really "hurting". I do think they see the writing on the wall that things are going to come crashing down (an exodus that is already starting) and are preparing for that.
There is no proof for almost ALL religious doctrines of ALL religion.
It's not FAITH. It's CREDULITY. You have to WANT to believe this bullshit.
How far is this lunacy going to go?
by The Fall Guy inpeople in the uk who apply for a blue badge (parking permit for disabled people) on the government web site, are asked to select one of three options regarding their gender:.
1. male .
2. female.
These people are attempting to make us accept them for how they believe they are when they cannot accept themselves for what how they were born (really are).
How Are JWs Affected By The Coronavirus?
by minimus inwill meetings and conventions be canceled?
the ministry?
shepherding calls, get togethers?
All meetings and field serve-us cancelled here in the Midwest of the US. We have ONE case of Corona (the virus, not the beer) in this State.