Surprised? They have a direct HOT LINE to GOD!
JoinedPosts by DesirousOfChange
Do the GB leaders of the JWS make its members delusionaly insane ?
by Finkelstein inthis particular question or evaluation of the people who are participating jws has come up before in debate.
the more one deeply analyzes this the answer usually comes up in the affirmative yes.
when you consider the fact that jws members will abandon their own family, go as far as kill themselves under the direction of these men, it really confirms just how deep the mental and conscious indoctrination these men have gone.. .
Do You Think It’s Time For Businesses To Reopen Even Though Coronavirus Is Not Obliterated?
by minimus ini think it’s time for business to reopen and let’s get the economy going again!
what say you??
In most places, YES.
This thing is not going to "go away". It's a health consideration with which we will be contending for years to come. Just like influenza. Just like all other diseases/illnesses. Some people will just be sick (in one degree or another) for a few days or few weeks. Others, unfortunately, will suffer serious health consequences, and others will die from it.
We'll all be keeping more distance. Business will have to adapt to that. That's going to reduce the capacity of restaurants as the space the seating further as well as airlines as perhaps the center seat must be left open.
Many will be wearing masks indefinitely in hopes of being better protected though it seems masks are like condoms in that they just give you a false sense of security (while being screwed).
Be safe!
Venting: I absolutly dispise the JW religion with all my heart
by goingthruthemotions ini absolutly hate the jw religion.
i hate the fact that my wife whom i love with all my heart is so brainwashed by them.
i hate them pos's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I despise those at the top of the Borg that are fully aware of the malicious scam they are playing and the harm it causes. Everyone else I just see as a "victim".
New DNA Study Confirms Noah
by notsurewheretogo in
amazing read...go on , have a laugh if you want to.. new dna study confirms noah.
by brian thomas, m.s.
Once again, I feel very fortunate that I got past that delusional thinking about Joe Hoover before I was 60. Still wondering why it took so damn long. (Regrettably, "slow learner" here. But obviously not as slow as some other folks.)
Tara/Snowy, glad you are still alive & kicking. Caring for a family member with dementia is a very difficult job. The only "good" thing about it is perhaps there is some level of comfort that the ill persons has no idea how bad they are.On the other hand, enjoying one's grandchildren is a real blessing. Enjoy that!
Not sure why the need to bring up the Black "thing". Since I'm not running for any office as a Democrat, that really isn't pertinent information for me or this exchange of ideas. (I happen to have finally accepted the fact that Black humans evolved the same as White, Yellow, Red, etc humans. We're all in this mess together!)
Be safe! (Wash your hands!) and enjoy those grand babies!
Joe Biden or Donald Trump?
by Iamallcool init looks like joe biden might be the next president of united states!
your thoughts?
Looks like there is talk of replacing Grabby-hands Joe.
It's NOT that they are appalled with the sexual abuse allegations (after all, he is not Kavenaugh).
It's that he's slipping and that's becoming apparent to everyone. He can't even read coherently from his own notes. What would he look like in a debate with Trump (or anyone else for that matter)?
Coronavirus Positive
by snare&racket inhey all,.
i'm day six of isolation, confirmed to have coronavirus.
i have been seeing very sick cv positive patients over the last month in my a&e role (emergency physician) it was inevitable i would contract it.. just wanted to give some symptom and treatment advice, it's anecdotal but may help.. started as sore throat and headache, then croaky voice, then dry cough, then episodic transient fevers, all this over the first few days.
Bumping this because it has been TOO LONG since we heard back from Snare...........
Sad News Of Zing
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara invery sad news .i am zing's partner.
first time on any kind of blog so please forgive any mistakes.
we have lost zing to the coronavirus this saturday gone, in the early hours.
We are very sorry for your loss. Be assured that we feel the loss (tho clearly, not so severely as you). Zing became an instant "hit" here with comments.
Please share your location and what was Zing's age and health.
Personally, just now can I say that I have lost a friend to COVID19.
Zoom meetings to continue thru July
by Wakanda inco is coming and expecting to zoom it in july.
also there is no talk about starting to slowly go back to the hall.
like having 1 group at the hall and the rest on zoom, etc.
The real determination will be on how the donation arrangement is working. If the donations actually GO UP, Zoom will remain forever.
New DNA Study Confirms Noah
by notsurewheretogo in
amazing read...go on , have a laugh if you want to.. new dna study confirms noah.
by brian thomas, m.s.
Fun to read this old shit!
Cofty you were kick-ass by then as well! Thanks!
I recall "Snowbird" from past posts. I suspect this is why we don't read anything from her (sorry if she is a he) any longer as she got her ass handed to her in a handbasket. Somethings that some of us never lose from our old JW ways is fleeing the scene when we run up against a better adversary on "doctrine".
by Cordelia18 inhi i was on here a few years ago, i ended up caving to family pressure and returning to the borg i've since married and have 2 children .
all the reasons i returned are still here, my parents are elderly and i really don't want to hurt them but i just can't do it anymore i need to leave before my kids are brainwashed, i need to be clever this time .
last time i was dfed and became dependant on drink i am in aa and sober now and learning the true meaning of sprituality i know without a doubt that it is a dangerous cult, but i need some tips on fading, its so hard when i want to shout from the roof tops how blind they are.
I think the best way to "fade" is to have been "stumbled" by someone. Refuse to discuss it because you do not want to discourage anyone else. But, it's simply SO BAD that you must have some private time while you "wait on Jehovah" to rectify things. (Just don't "wait" in the KHall when you can wait at home!)