If an untrained person walked into your work place and started questioning your workmanship,
If the person paying Simon came in and was questioning him about his work, he'd probably think it a good idea to provide a reasonable explanation, even if the individual was not as tech savvy as Simon. He'd likely try to explain things in layman's terms to explain it.
Have you ever had a physician that got "huffy" when you challenged them on a treatment and demanded a more comprehensive explanation? (Think blood transfusions maybe.) We certainly have! And guess what? That dude is working FOR ME. I deserve a reasonable explanation, even if I'm not as educated in the medical field or as savvy in medical terminology. I am paying his wages.
When I go to get a "second opinion" and especially if it differs from the first opinion, then I deserve a more comprehensive explanation of both. And, this is what we have with treating the new virus. MULTIPLE OPINIONS. (Remember, these people are just "practicing" medicine.) Believe me, at least here in the US, there are plenty of unnecessary "procedures" given that are strictly profit motivated because "procedures" are more profitable that simple office visits or even hospital stays.