A total disservice to post this kind of sh!t.
If anything, it makes me question if the poster is doing so at the behest of WTS. Then anyone that would mention seeing such a letter would be identified as following apostate websites.
i just saw on a video that there has been a change about further education.
here is a screenshot of a letter that went to all elders.
i am an elder but i don’t remember this one, perhaps it is only for some areas?.
A total disservice to post this kind of sh!t.
If anything, it makes me question if the poster is doing so at the behest of WTS. Then anyone that would mention seeing such a letter would be identified as following apostate websites.
https://northernontario.ctvnews.ca/video/c2842685-w5--no-witnesses?playlistid=1.3856158 .
investigative journalist avery haines.
Awesome news story. It really puts WT in a bad light. (Not to be confused with New Light.)
After watching the Catholic Church implode on the CSA issue, WT legal should have had the foresight to provide better counsel to the GB on how to better address the issue within the Organization.
Where was the "divine direction from the Holy Spirit"?
future gb: "please come back!
all is forgiven!".
would it work?
Here's a scenario, say someone is df'd at 17 for sex. They leave and later get married with kids leading a normal life for a decade or so. He or she obviously hasn't been engaged in immorality for years so why should they have to wait a year to be reinstated if the chose to come back? ~Nowwhat?
That's a perfect example!
Years ago WT/GB instituted a program where elders were to contact DFd JWs once per year to encourage them to return. It was revised that those who once made it clear they had no interest could be removed from the visits, and those DFd who were known as apostates were not to be contacted. (Think that was to keep them from awakening the elders??) LIke most WT policies, that seemed to be forgotten or dropped eventually, likely because of so much negative response.
More recently they published the "Return To Jehovah" brochure. We had a couple elders who kindly dropped that off at our home. WT missed the opportunity at that time to make it obvious that the reinstatement of DFd who were not critical to the bOrg should have been encouraged to return as well as anyone only inactive. Yes, more would likely return if they were not humiliated to jump through all the hoops created by power hungry elders.
If it is faked, then eff whoever did it. I'm sick of not being able to trust stuff I see, hear, and read. ~ Magnum
Magnum is "right on"!
Any time you mention a critical article or video to a JW, their reply will be that you cannot trust anything posted on the internet because it's likely something apostates have photoshopped or falsified to discredit "the brothers". There is plenty to be said about the bOrganization without having to fake it.
Anyone who does this is just fueling their persecution complex.
a department in bethel wants to try to make money from regional conventions by asking local hotels if they will give a special rate and a coupon code to give to jws.. .
they should just keep it simple and not be greedy for dishonest gain.. .
this year some convention sites the hotels said no thank you i think the jws are going to book with us anyway.
Why do the brothers at Bethel spend so much time talking to hotel managers and trying to get some of the profits from JWs staying with them.
I don't think the WTS makes "a profit" or any kind of monetary kickback or commission from the "approved" hotels, but rather, I think they get x number of FREE rooms which they use for CO's, DO's, and Bethel delegates. Any free rooms that they do not use for these privileged delegates are often "sold" on a "contribution basis" to local brothers by the WT Rooming Dept.
This is not an isolated WT policy about greed. It is a common business practice when groups arrange conventions/meetings in any city. Often the City Tourism Commission will assist these groups as they want to rent their convention hall venue and they want to bring tourism dollars to their city. My wife and I were delegates/attendees of a lobbyist group where my biz is a member and we stayed at Trump Tower at a negotiated rate of about 65% of any other rate I could find available. I'm sure the lobbyists themselves had rooms comped to them because their grouped guaranteed x number of bookings.
I'm not defending WT, other than saying it's what any savvy business group would do.
i spotted this article on an irish news channel's webpage and thought you might have something to say about the idea.
perhaps in the future jws will replace their robotic elders with actual robots, what do you think?
we could consult with ai jesus to see what he thinks about the idea.
Evidence of any kind of intelligence would be an improvement.
if the watchtower really wants to move more mainstream they need to take a lesson from evangelicals in the united states.
they seem to say there are "essential beliefs".
a handful of core beliefs that are necessary to be considered true christians.
Well, now that is an idea...but...from where I sit the only real core belief is the GB is boss ( voice of Jesus ) and you have to obey any core belief they say, even if they change that same core belief in the blink of an eye. Obedience to them is their core belief. So if they were to honestly publsh a core belief it would be...OBEY the GB or else.
They did publish that in 2013 WT Nov 15, pg 20
for those of you who are pimo, how do you feel it may be effecting your mental and physical health?
is it easy to pretend to be what you are not?
how do you feel about falsely supporting the pimi which builds them up and therefore an org you don't believe in?
I suspect there are many of the “but it’s still the closest thing to Bible Truth” class. They’ll go along giving their tacit approval to any of the new doctrinal changes (new light) but just continue on doing things they same way they have always done. No blatant breaking of the “rules” but little indiscretions don’t count.
I think he looks a hell of a lot better with the beard
if the watchtower really wants to move more mainstream they need to take a lesson from evangelicals in the united states.
they seem to say there are "essential beliefs".
a handful of core beliefs that are necessary to be considered true christians.
I don’t see them ever “willingly“ adopting those changes, but they very well may be forced to if they continue to be “persecuted“ by the worldly governments for their policies that violate basic human rights such as shunning.