JoinedPosts by DesirousOfChange
Patterson New Visitor Centre & Museum Announced
by raymond frantz in
january 1, 2024, marked the official opening of the patterson visitor center, located at the watchtower educational center in patterson, new york, u.s.a. the feature museum of the visitors’ center is entitled “first-century bible village.” brother isaiah miller, who works in the museum department at bethel, said: “the bible village was designed to provide everyone with a realistic and educational experience.
studies show that interactive learning has a powerful effect on people of all ages.” after her tour, one visitor exclaimed: “this museum made me feel like i had been transported back to the land of ancient israel.
The Reason Behind Recent Watchtower Changes
by Vanderhoven7 ineric wilson's video is worth a view..
Just WOW!
I usually don't take the time to listen to somewhat lengthy videos like this (22 min), but some of the comments gave me the motivation to do so and this one was definitely worth it. I had some personal ideas about what motived the beard change and the hour reporting change, but had no idea about the issues presented in this video. It's more than just believable. It makes complete sense. Follow the money!
Depression & Isolation
by TxNVSue2023 ini've been recently reinstated & am very happy about it.
i do love righteous (love & justice) and i do hate wickedness ( selfishness & sin).
i do love jehovah and the bible truths & wisdom.
As long as you can’t be accused of causing division in the congregation then you can openly express doubts about the governing body.
That is not the case everywhere.
Stop the Electric car solar power brainwashing Lies!!
by Witness 007 inford e.v cars lost the company 1.3 billion in three months!
i put 18 solar panels on my house but only get a small rebate $50 a quarter.
bill is $400.
If you are forced into having electric powered everything, the government can force you into compliance on everything by shutting off your supply until you comply.
Waiting On Jehovah First Mentioned?
by Ron.W. inyes, waiting on jehovah for him to handle a problem/ doctrine etc.. when did the jw's first start saying that?
they've been saying it as long as i can remember.. what scriptures do they trot out to back that teaching up?
JW-God's channel of communication
by enoughisenough inthe faithful slave is considered god's channel of communication.
( though not inspired of god ) does anyone else find the use of the word channel interesting in this regard?
from where i am sitting it denotes spiritism.
Perhaps WT should consider an upgrade to digital or even cable. Their current channel is never very clear.
The Jehovah's Witness religion has ''Jumped the Shark''
by RULES & REGULATIONS inwhat does jump the shark mean?.
the phrase “jump the shark” is a term in pop culture that originated from the tv show “happy days” and is used to describe a decline in quality.
it refers to the moment when a tv show or other product has reached its peak and starts to decline in quality.
In Noah’s day what if he got people to come and sit inside the ark waiting but years went by and no flood came. ~ ElderBerry
Actually, they had very little time to "sit" as they were busy with the "privilege" of shoveling up the manure.
JW profit from disasters
by enoughisenough insome time back i questioned about jw making money from doing relief work for disasters.
i found this story on reddit and also noted some of the replies.
it makes me wonder how many would have left their own jobs and paid their way, giving free labor and some supplying free materials if they had know what was going on behind the scenes.
If my roof is storm damaged and the “ Brothers “ repair it for free , I have suffered no loss. I cannot claim on insurance. If the householder makes a claim based on commercial rates ... it is fraudulent.
Actually, you suffered the "loss" when the storm damaged your roof. Most homeowners' insurance (in the US) provides "replacement cost" so you must replace/repair it or you'll not receive full compensation. However, you can ever perform the labor yourself as long as it meets restoration that is at least equal to original, and you are paid for "the loss". No insurance fraud.
The "spin" is that they will use the proceeds to make repairs for those who do not have any insurance, and I do know of them doing this for members of the Cong AND in some places, even for some local government buildings, ie, schools.
I seriously doubt you will find a loyal JW that works on these projects providing the free labor who would complain about it. They see it as serving Jehovah and assisting their brothers.
The "catch" is, WT can use any left-over funds that were contributed for the disaster relief for ANY expense they choose as long as the funds are contributed to the World Wide Work (vs specifically the disaster relief).
Conversation with old friend
by LongHairGal ini recently had a conversation with an old acquaintance from the congregation i used to attend.
we talked about the recent changes in the 2023 annual meeting.
i especially pointed out the one about getting rid of hourly reporting on monthly time slips.
So, now, basically, it has become just another church... like the ones it used to criticize in the old days. ~ Magnum
Interesting comment Magnum. It reminded me of a "worldly" funeral we attended in the past week. The deceased and his family attended the local Baptist Church. Little old church that didn't seat but about 120 people. But it had a "recreation" room that was equal in size to the old original church which you could see had dividers to separate it into 3 smaller areas for Sunday School. The whole room was set with folding tables and chairs and all the local church members served up a feast no different than you'd see an a JW Cong function (ie, the funeral of a prominent JW).
It rained the entire time we stood at the cemetery following the funeral and a younger couple insisted we take their umbrella as they had hoods on their jackets. They had never met us. They had no idea how or why we were attending, but they offered that kindness. When things like that take place, I always whisper to my wife, with a wink, that they must be JWs.
JW profit from disasters
by enoughisenough insome time back i questioned about jw making money from doing relief work for disasters.
i found this story on reddit and also noted some of the replies.
it makes me wonder how many would have left their own jobs and paid their way, giving free labor and some supplying free materials if they had know what was going on behind the scenes.
The official article that I have mentioned doesn't tell you anything about how they collect the homeowners insurances--no, they say the relief comes from donations and volunteers-
Yes, those who receive the assistance are asked to "donate" payments from their insurance company. Note that no one is asked to pay their deductible and they will assist those who did not have insurance. WT has organized relief in 3rd world countries for other community buildings, ie, schools, firehouses, etc (personally know of this in Jamaica). They figure this benefits their "image" in the eyes of local authorities.