And hes telling you how to live your retirement?? -- Beth Sarim
Beth, you got that wrong!
No need to worry about retirement when Armageddon is right around the corner!
become a circuit overseer in your mid to late 20's.
you would have had to qualify as an elder previously.
this would mean the male would have had to have been an elder in his early 20's.
And hes telling you how to live your retirement?? -- Beth Sarim
Beth, you got that wrong!
No need to worry about retirement when Armageddon is right around the corner!
most of my friends have gotten the vaccines and are quite confident that it’s just what the doctor ordered.
i’m not confident with dr. fauci.
i don’t like the fact that the makers of the vaccines are not held responsible if someone taking the vac develops an illness or even death.
I don't think the general population will ever buy into a mandatory vaccination program again. The majority do not trust the government any longer. They certainly do not trust the news networks.
under the theme "help for those who are removed from the congregation" study article 35 in august 2024 wafchtower that deals with the many changes the organization introduced recenly we specifically look into paragraphs 14 and 15 that deal with the way that we now treat disfellowshipped ones, or more accurately removed ones , since this is the new term.
and see how they still try to micromanage their members down to the finest detail and how still apostates and more accurately active apostates are public enemy number one.
What I think has changed is their definition (not in words, but in action) of who/what is an "apostate". I think the term has broadened out considerably. It's not just the kooky DF JW who stands outside convention venues wearing sandwich boards defaming the bOrg.
It can now be applied to anyone who chose to go "inactive" (insert FADE here) and makes no effort to return but continues on happily in life -- no depression card, no financial or personal difficulties causing discouragement -- but just goes on in life smiling and living life to the fullest. Such a person has no REASON to be inactive but CHOICE. Why would anyone CHOOSE to be inactive? APOSTATE!
The greatest revenge is living a happy & successful life!
become a circuit overseer in your mid to late 20's.
you would have had to qualify as an elder previously.
this would mean the male would have had to have been an elder in his early 20's.
Most 20-somethings are still living in their parent's home.
we have lonely old folks and even some not so old.. they know the gb are not who they claim to be.. but they stay in the congregation because they are lonely.
i wonder what percentage of jws this is the case, i would guess a lot.
they said “ it is better to be wrong & inside the Truth than to be “right outside “ it ….
I recall a brother -- not sure if he was an elder at the time but he was eventually until he resigned and only would agree to be a MS -- who commented that even if it was found to be all wrong it was still the best way of life for him, as he would likely be dead if he had continued on in his former lifestyle.
I do think that is possibly all true. He had been quite the carouser and shit disturber as a young guy. But he was now a wife & father and a sincere guy. IDK why he decided he no longer wanted to be an elder, however serving as a MS was OK. Perhaps it was the "judging" others thing. Or, maybe he actually came to know that it "is all wrong" but he wanted to stay with the Blue Pill.
we have lonely old folks and even some not so old.. they know the gb are not who they claim to be.. but they stay in the congregation because they are lonely.
i wonder what percentage of jws this is the case, i would guess a lot.
And probably because of the community of friends it gives them.
i write many times how good it is to be pomo for me, my wife and children.
feeling better then ever.
jw family accept this status.
It's for me difficult to choose the dept of the conversation.
Start by asking about them and their family and their interests. And obviously ask about whatever is involved in the venue you are at the time -- Theatre? Sports game?
I love politics, but that has become very divided here lately, but you usually can determine which side of the topic they favor and if it's your flavor too, then share thoughts. If they're on "the other side of the aisle" then stay clear of issues.
i was thinking about the male children ( even unbaptized ) being placed ahead of the sisters.
; and i thought the jw were raising a bunch of misogynist.
would these kids not feel more important than their mothers let alone other women.
DoC……are you using the words “grooming”, “young”, and “boys” on purpose?
Vidot, I am NOT suggesting that there are immoral intentions. The terms certainly apply however. The announcement addresses young teens and younger males (that's young boys), and they definitely are "grooming" them for future use as MS/elders and likely they have in mind the potential free labor these young guys provide to them (Bethel, building projects, disaster relief for insurance funds) as they grow up IF......they remain in The Troof. Thus WTS needs them to stay interested and be involved and to feel good about doing so
At this point, the only young guys who’d aspire toward positions in a repressive ultraconservative church are so unskilled and socially crippled, they have virtually no other life prospects.
i have heard or read, many times by many exjw's, that the org does not remove the blood transfusion ban because it would be crippled by the resulting lawsuits the minute that "new light" was made official.i am not a lawyer, but i would like to know what legal opinion lawyers have on that.on what legal basis would there be a lawsuit?
"i am suing the watchtower because my relative died because of a rule they had but no longer have"?am i missing something?.
When AIDS was new, I think many JWs were "smug" (if that's the right word) about how their "spirit directed" policy against blood transfusions had "protected" them from contracting this deadly disease by abstaining from blood.
Today, I think most JWs are more aware of the deaths from refusal of blood transfusions than any "benefits". The evidence of this, IMO, is that nearly ALL of the JWs I assisted with their "blood card/documents" agreed to accept any of the "blood fractions" that WTS permitted per their "conscience".
When WTS/GB saw the New Light on JWs accepting "blood fractions" (or EPO or any product previously prohibited) then SHAZAM! they ALL HAD A SUDDEN REVERSAL OF THEIR PERSONAL CONSCIENCE.
Likewise, if WTS/GB saw New Light and determined that transfusions would be a "personal conscientious decision" that would NOT bring them negative consequences, the VAST MAJORITY would "change their contentious position" on accepting them in an emergency.
i was thinking about the male children ( even unbaptized ) being placed ahead of the sisters.
; and i thought the jw were raising a bunch of misogynist.
would these kids not feel more important than their mothers let alone other women.
I was thinking about the male children ( even unbaptized ) being placed ahead of the sisters. ~ OP
Just check out the Announcements for July as posted by Atlantis.
Review the qualifications for young baptized males (early teens or younger). They are grooming them for future MS, etc.
Apparently, WT HQ has determined that getting these young people (I mean boys) involved in Cong activities will keep them interested in future goals/positions.