SEVENTY-FIVE YEARS OLD and climbing on roofs and "washing windows"! Very sad indeed.
IF he had "stayed faithful" to Jehovah the bOrganization he would have been interviewed on the convention program and given token accolades for one who kept their "eye simple" and held up as an example. Had he had this accident while still an exemplary JW elder, his memorial service would have been conducted at the JW Assm Hall where everyone who attended would feed the contribution boxes (money kept by Assm Hall) before heading out for a few beers with their "clique".
Instead, he dared to challenge the unethical, money-grubbing WT/GB who sought to profit of off this mostly low income, minority congregation, and he was maliciously cast to the curb and thrown under the bus. Without a doubt, his sad demise was "celebrated" in many private conversations of his former elder "friends". ("See there! You can't escape Jehovah's judgement.")
Hopefully he lived (and died) deservedly filled with pride about his brave decision and NOT full of guilt and regret.