I'm sure everyone here can recommend a book that helped them.
Crisis of Conscience (Ray Franz), of course.
I also strongly encourage reading Combating Cult Mind Control (Steven Hassan). I put it off and once I started it I couldn't put it down. He writes about his experience with the Moonies, but it proved to me that JWs are like the Poster Child for a Cult. JWs "check the box" on every single criteria for a Cult. It is impossible to pretend it's coincidence. The "mind control", "information control", etc.
Let's review! It's a Cult!
Edited to add: The point above about making new friends and a new network is right on. That is NOT an easy task. As a JW you think it's just an automatic thing. Everyone loves you. Everyone is your friend. That's not how it works in the "real world". But if you give people a chance, they will do the same.