I also wonder if any of you other old codgers and ladies, have old memories and people you had in your life keep invading your daily thoughts.
There is definitely a feeling of nostalgia when I think of old memories with old friends (with whom I have lost all contact). Some are the old girlfriends who came & went before meeting my wife. All were mostly JWs too, so it's not like recalling old sexual romps or such. Just those who came and went. I wonder if they ever imagine how things would be if our relationship had flourished. I don't regret that any of them are "past" relationships. No fantasizing about anyone who "got away".
Sometimes I reflect back on the JWs who were significant in my life - especially those that were instrumental in my commitment and advancement in the religion - though most of them are dead. I wonder if any of them had doubts or were even awakened to TTATT. Likely not. I think a person gets to a certain age, or point in life, that it's "too late" to leave the network one has in the Cult. Or, at least it's too difficult to do a "180" in life and just up and leave everyone and everything. (It's kind of like deciding to divorce after decades being married. The pain would not be worth the gain.)
2025 means Armageddon is about 50 years late!