And our JW family see this as just the reasonable thing to do -- making the best use of "auditoriums". Selling off the properties (KHalls) that are "little used" and sit empty 5 days/week and shifting the pubs to Halls that can be used 4 or 5 nights/week by 3 or 4 Congs. Merging Congs so that auditoriums are full vs. half-empty. (They never even stop to reason about WHY those meetings are "half-empty" now though they were not just several years ago.)
JoinedPosts by DesirousOfChange
Merger aftermath
by Rattigan350 ina couple of months ago, i reported on my congregation being disolved and merged with another.. on sept 1, cong b merged with cong a using the same hall, thereafter using cong a's meeting times.
also nearby cong c moved into the hall using cong b's meeting times and cong c's kh is being put up for sale.. i've since been to both sunday meetings and both midweek meetings.
at all, the parking lot is totally full, cars have to park around the corner and on the street.
New Boy The Book is Free For The Next 30 Days
by The Bethelite infor those of you that have not got my book new boy yet, it will be free for down load on amazon books.
you can down load it on your kindle for the next 30 days at no cost.
enjoy keith.
Well hell!! I paid for it. Great reading. Finished it in 2 days I doubt a “never a JW” would enjoy it as much but great stuff for anyone in The Troof for years.
(Keith— lots of typos. Get a good editor before printing 2nd edition or your next book.)
Activism works! Success!
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara inwant to keep as short as possible, if any questions just ask.. just this weekend gone, i had two visitors (pimi single bros).they came round for a visit and a long chat.they had so many questions now that they have woken.
they are planning their fading(??
), one is an ministerial servant .
I normally record all my conversations, my calls etc .Its an app I use which come on automatically unless I switch it off.
So did Richard Nixon. Turned out it wasn't all that great of an idea for him.
Looking to make friends.
by Johnk24 inhello everyone, i live in manchester and i met diane, alesha and johnathan diane’s husband.. i’m not actually a jw but would like to find out more and have a conversation with like minded people.
if you would like to meet up for a coffee in manchester, uk please message me.. best regards.. john .
John, the vast majority of members here are either Ex-JWs or wish we were Ex-JW's but cannot really leave the Organization/Religion unless we accept the punitive actions we would face by the JW Elders and all the JW Sheeple who would follow their demands (for example to shun us -- even immediate family).
JW's are a Cult. Do your research before you jump into the deep end of the pool.
Recently Disfellowshipped
by PersonOfGlitter inhi i’m getting disfellowshipped on thursday and was wondering what advice those that have left have for me.
i’m not sure if i still believe or not.
You have two paths to choose.
One, move on with your life. Yes, you will be shunned and ignored (and the subject of gossip) by JWs and likely even by your JW (conditional) friends and JW family (if you have such). If you can bear those consequences, you're probably better off getting out of the Cult. (But it will take perhaps years longer to get out of the Cult mentality.)
Two, if you "need" to be in for the sake of family or business or whatever, you will need to grovel and kissass for 6-12 months by attending meetings and being remorseful when meeting with Elders if you hope to be reinstated. Some might criticize you for this, but only you can determine what is the best route for you. If you go this route, once you get back "in" make immediate plans to "fade" and move on with your life.
Good luck!
The greatest revenge is living a happy & successful life!
JW defense fail
by neat blue dog init's a little long, but if you have a chance, read this court transcript of a sleazy jw lawyer's interaction with a judge and others.
in the course of defending wt, he uses theocratic warfare non-stop, but the court sees right through him and it's both pathetic and infuriating:.
Yes, a long read, but worth the time.
WT would have been wise to just offer a settlement before they allowed their representatives to be put on the stand and make a complete ass out of everyone.
Do these settlement amounts ever "leak" out?
Motivations for Watchtower leadership
by GetMeOutofHere ini’ve struggled for some time with this question.
why would the elders, cos, branch committee, helpers to gb and the gb themselves devote their lives to progressing in the organization, if the whole thing is one big sham?
i have 3 ideas so far.. 1) money.
I think they at least began as "true believers". (I was.) At some point they may have developed doubts. (I did.) It's amazing how you can reason away the doubts. (I did.) "It's the closest thing to the Truth." or "There might still be some small errors in understanding but Jehovah will correct all that." "Even if it is wrong, it's still the Best Way of Life!"
In the specific case of the GB, they are surrounded by "Yes Men". Everything they do is "worshipped". No one DARE disagree as that would be like disagreeing with God.
I suspect they see their comfy (or even lavish) lifestyle as evidence of God's Blessing. Everything good is a reassurance that they are on the right track. Everything bad is a test from Satan.
Terrence Howard quitting acting to bring "the truth"
by neat blue dog in
after leaving the limelight his plans include “bringing the truth to the world.”.
Seeking advice
by Mizalisa ini'm not a jw, nor was i raised jw.
for the past three years i have been involved with a man who was raised jw, who at first told me he no longer believed as they did, but who, it has become clear over time, has not told his family or religious community the truth.
he has strung me along for years, never introduced me to anyone in his life.
I think I know what you mean about the emotional stunting. My ex showed puzzling psychological patterns. At times he seemed almost sociopathic in his disregard for the feelings of others, but I realized it was just that he'd been so prejudiced to think of outsiders as less-than and sinful that he truly did not seem to realize we'd have morals at all. Especially women, whom he used like toilet paper. He seems childlike in his views, everything is black or white. He believes in demons. There's a paranoia to him, always thinking people are out to screw him over. He's deeply envious of one other filmmaker, sees the guy's success as a threat to his own, a zero sum game with only a handful of winners. Ugh. It is exhausting.
I've never known a better liar than this guy. He lied constantly. And utterly without remorse.
Hon, these are two of your recent quotes about this man. Do you really need anyone else's advice about what you should do with this relationship? I think maybe you're just looking for reassurance and support. This is a great group of people for that.
You seem to be intelligent and articulate in everything you say. Can you really not find a better potential mate?
Good luck!
Needless rules
by road to nowhere inmay have been noted already.
i didnt find the comments on this wt looking back.
it struck me funny they would comment on anyone making rules; if anyone knows how to make rules it is wt.
All of WT's man-made rules only apply to everyone else.
(It's kinda like all the laws passed by Congress. They're exempt.)