I could not sit and listen to some ignorant buffoon preaching bullshit with no right of reply. ~ Cofty
I agree, Cofty!
We (wife & I) have even discussed if we would be better off just "faking it" vs fading as we have. We miss the camaraderie of our old (conditional) friends. (Really, most are "good" people, they are just brainwashed and following the Cult mentality. They fear we are wicked! Or, they feel taking a stand to "shun" us will "bring us back".)
But we no longer believe any of the JW bullshit. In fact, we don't really believe the Bible is anything but a book of (mostly) "good principles" for life. (OK-- Ya have to pick and choose what is "good" and ignore the rest.) I don't think we even believe is a supernatural being (God). Personally, I would LIKE TO BELIEVE, but there just is no evidence to support any of it (IMO). Especially is that true of JW-sim. Once you have seen "The Great Oz" that is behind the curtain, you can never un-see it. It's all a farce. Smoke & mirrors.