At this point in time, I tend to agree with Nelson Barbour (who was the early cohort of Chas Russell): Christ's death was no more a settlement of the penalty of man's sins than would the sticking of a pin through the body of a fly and causing it suffering and death be considered by an earthly parent as a just settlement for misdemeanor in his child."
JoinedPosts by DesirousOfChange
What do you think of the ransom as proof of Jehovah's love?
by AlainAlam inconsider these excerpts from the bible and the publications:.
“no one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends” (joh 15:13).
“for hardly would anyone die for a righteous man; though perhaps for a good man someone may dare to die.
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Status Update Thread
by Simon inthis topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
Nearly 50% of the cases in the US are in the NYC and surrounding area.
Still the increases do not appear to be going up exponentially s they were previously. The graph Simon posted yesterday is encouraging.
Can anyone tell me if it's OK now to shower or are we still under the "Wash Your Hands" Order?
Coronavirus Positive
by snare&racket inhey all,.
i'm day six of isolation, confirmed to have coronavirus.
i have been seeing very sick cv positive patients over the last month in my a&e role (emergency physician) it was inevitable i would contract it.. just wanted to give some symptom and treatment advice, it's anecdotal but may help.. started as sore throat and headache, then croaky voice, then dry cough, then episodic transient fevers, all this over the first few days.
Snare, you have us sitting on the edge of our seats waiting for an update.
We have a family member who is a nurse that just discovered she was exposed to the virus and she is now under observation for a week or so.
Take care!
You heard it here first. U.S. District conventions CANCELLED!
by nowwhat? inprudent decision even if the pandemic is over you are going to have people that.
lost jobs can't afford to go.
not allowed any vacation time rest of year.
Conventions have always been "cash cows" for the WTS. Even more so since they've utilized the Assm Halls for many of them. (NO rental fees!) But even at rented facilities, they planned conventions when the facilities were in low demand. Here in the US, there were many convention over the week that had 4th of July, as all non-JW's are involved in holiday activities and convention centers sit idle -- that translates as CHEAP! At some venues, they even bartered for lower (or free) rental rates by having their free labor force to an annual "deep cleaning" or by providing set up and tear down for other events.
3M Corporation-- You are Absolutely DISGUSTING - I hope you are sitting down when reading this
by RubaDub ini was watching the local news in the background and i heard a guy talking about 3m and how florida was getting screwed.
i didn't hear the whole report.. later, i was switching through the channels and i saw the same guy talking to tucker carlson (fox news).
come to find out he is the federal cdc equivalent at the state level.
I'd wager they'll be looking at an IRS audit for the next 5 years.
Bread and wine
by road to nowhere inwe are told to have the emblems this year.
no fortified wine or boones farm.
that suits me as i like real wine.
Where did you hear this? How can you take it if you are not the anointed?
After a good bottle of Merlot or Cabernet, I'll be feeling "special" enough to imagine I'm anointed.
BTW -- WTF said WE have to go by THEIR rules?
The Tale of Two Loves. Part 2
by 1234 inabout the time i got married, gayle got married too.
gary her soon to be husband was the first brother to show her any attention, after we went out separate ways.
she knew she wasn't in love with him but at the time wasn't sure she even knew what love was anymore.
I enjoy your style of writing, Keith.
Read your book without stop in one day.
Bread and wine
by road to nowhere inwe are told to have the emblems this year.
no fortified wine or boones farm.
that suits me as i like real wine.
Just picked up a case of Merlot and several boxes of Triscuits (unleavened, right?). Ours will likely be a pretty cheesy celebration because I cannot fathom eating Triscuits plain.
Coronavirus Positive
by snare&racket inhey all,.
i'm day six of isolation, confirmed to have coronavirus.
i have been seeing very sick cv positive patients over the last month in my a&e role (emergency physician) it was inevitable i would contract it.. just wanted to give some symptom and treatment advice, it's anecdotal but may help.. started as sore throat and headache, then croaky voice, then dry cough, then episodic transient fevers, all this over the first few days.
Sorry to hear you've got it! I will anxiously await updates.
Two of our kids (adults) are in healthcare and one has volunteered to work the COVID19 cases so that fellow workers who have small children need not put them at risk. I'm sure you followed all the protocol on safety and yet, here you are infected. Thus I worry about our kids who deal with sick people on a daily basis.
Give Us Your Money! Appalling!
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara in
Religion is a snare and a racket!