Trump stated what the real solution is -- he just was afraid to follow through on it.
When the looting starts, the shooting starts. ~ Walter E. Headley, Miami Police Chief (1967)
some believe protesters have the “right” to block main roads, traffic and other places simply because they have a right to protest something.. in la, two deputies were ambushed and shot in the head and as the ambulance tried to take the fallen deputies to the emergency room, protesters blocked the way chanting they wished the police would die!
in nyc blm protesters blocked the george washington bridge and other major highways and streets to protest for their cause.. do you think this is acceptable?
Trump stated what the real solution is -- he just was afraid to follow through on it.
When the looting starts, the shooting starts. ~ Walter E. Headley, Miami Police Chief (1967)
The silver lining is they are pushing people in droves to vote Trump.
Now its off the rails and most of or a majority of the country does not like what its seeing. ~ Mickbobcat
Mick, I hope you are correct.
Sadly, the polls don't support your statement.
against our wishes she got baptised at 16 because she got brainwashed by her cousin.
the last year or so she hasn't been so gung ho about the "truth".
anyway the elders came down on her for not getting her time in the last couple months because she absolutely hates zoom letter writing.
Perhaps you need to "sincerely" question (to her) how she is supposed to have a "five year plan" IF The End(™) is "upon us". (You know the final minutes of the last days BS). Get her to see their contradiction. Get her to reason on these things. Teach her to question everything. (WARNING: A teenager questioning anything can be a real challenge, but they'll be a wiser adult later.)
DO NOT ATTACK the religion as that will likely cause her to want to defend it or to see you as an adversary. ASK "SINCERE" QUESTIONS and then STFU.
raised as a jo blow and married into it.
37 years in it and now last 7 years out of it which feels great.. have memories of being a kid in school in the uk and just hating everything about being the jw kid.
bullied, embarrassed in front of others and self-esteem went into the toilet.wished i was born into a different family.. what angers me is the messaging i would receive at home when i talked about being bullied.
The greatest revenge is living a happy & successful life!
on the 18th of september i turned in my disassociation letter in to the tigard congregation, 19 years ago.. my son turned in his letter in november 2001, 19 years ago shortly after me.
he was 21 years old.. two days ago we were working together on a wrap for his a/c unit on his bus.. out of blue, he says "i still miss it dad.
not the religion.
The greatest revenge is living a happy & successful life!
raised as a jo blow and married into it.
37 years in it and now last 7 years out of it which feels great.. have memories of being a kid in school in the uk and just hating everything about being the jw kid.
bullied, embarrassed in front of others and self-esteem went into the toilet.wished i was born into a different family.. what angers me is the messaging i would receive at home when i talked about being bullied.
I spent 50+ years in the JW Borg being "programmed". Wash, rinse, repeat. Wash, rinse, repeat. It really works. Sadly (I suppose), I clearly do not have another 50 years for DE-programming. So we continue to plod along and try to ignore the JW nightmares that resurface from time to time. There is still ONE couple from our former Cong that keeps in limited contact. Truly good friends. (Just like we thought the others all were too!) They are concerned about us. Of course, they are not going to socialize with us if for no other reason, it would look bad for them to do so.
We've made a great effort to make new friends/associates. That's tough. Most of a person's friends are from the years at school or work. We're past that. If and when we ever do bump into a former JW acquaintance (we found out they were not friends), we put on the Happy Face and assure them that Life is Good! And in reality, LIFE IS GOOD! We have the time to travel (before COVID) without feeling guilty about missing our meetings. While we do wish we had invested more heavily (but we thought the world was soon to end), we try to balance "keeping our eye simple" and enjoying life to the fullest.
So, I'd say fill your life with other things. Work hard. Live modestly. Invest compulsively. Above all, make new friends. Real friends.
it's been six months since the kingdom halls have been closed.
i believe here in ontario, canada that you are now allowed to have up to 50 people congregate together.. that was the average attendance before they did all the merging of the congregations.
they should have went back to the original pre-merger congregations.
"Do not forsake the gathering of yourselves together, . . . even more so as the end draws [very, very, very] near. . ." unless of course their is "unexpected" disease in the Time of The End.
against our wishes she got baptised at 16 because she got brainwashed by her cousin.
the last year or so she hasn't been so gung ho about the "truth".
anyway the elders came down on her for not getting her time in the last couple months because she absolutely hates zoom letter writing.
My daughter that he was going to bring his wife along. But it turned out to be 2 elders .
Bring the hammer down and tell them that had better NEVER happen again. Your 19yo daughter does not need to be meeting two adult men when they had promised otherwise. .
shame for those in prison, .
where were the angels and the holy spirit to protect them like in the past ?
Hard to believe this goes on anywhere in the 21st Century.
Very sad that Russia has decided to take such a deplorable position against any members of the religion.
i have always felt trump will win again.
i just don’t see biden winning.. what’s your prediction?.
Maybe the American public like their Presidents immoral, corrupt and slightly stupid,
Like it or not, that's mostly what they've elected for decades -- particularly the immoral & corrupt. Not sure I would go so far as to tag any with "stupid". Maybe Jimmy Carter? Or was he just a shitty politician?
In recent decades, nearly all US presidents were millionaires (Kennedy, Reagan, Bush 41 & 43) except Clinton and Obama. (Of course even they are millionaires now!)