And the trumpet blasts are talks or Declarations made in the 1920's at Cedar Point OH. WTF? Nobody gives a sh!t about any of that. It's all meaningless! Anyone that remembers it is dead. Most JW's don't know anything about it. (Like that's surprising)
this question has been presented many times throughout the years.
somewhat recently, there has been much talk surrounding the "bite method" :.
"bite” stands for behavior, information, thought, and emotional control.. some examples were thrown at me, such as the decisions of who we associate with, discouraging any worldy media, encouraging our brothers and sisters to report any of our misbehaviours to the elders, our rejection of criticism on the truth, shunning etc.. what do we think about this?.
Just pick up a copy of Steven Hassan’s book, “Combatting Cult Mind Control” and read it. The JW Org is the Poster Child of a cult. They “check every box” on identifying a cult. It cannot be dismissed as coincidence. It is clearly their strategy.
My daughter claims she never believed it, but the JW's visited her often, so that was her motivation.
I think there are a lot of JW's who are in it for that reason. It's their only social network. And frankly, most JW's are sincere and kind people. (Sure some are a$$holes, esp the pompous ass big shots who love the power and limelight.)
My elderly mother has begun to have a lot of doubts. She has come to realize she is not going to live forever. That was a lie. She is aware of all the child abuse issues and has mostly stopped contributing as she doesn't want her money to cover those lawsuits (and because she has given plenty in her lifetime). But I would hate for her to leave The Truth™ now. It is her "everything". Her friends are there (at least the ones not in the cemetery). The young families/people really cater to her and even offer assistance as she has been decades in that Cong and fortunately she is not a cranky old bitch.
i am new to this forum and uncertain that this is legitimately and entirely independent of conniving jw controllers or the wtb&ts and its related entities.
markers like the use of in the forum description and the policies seem controlled/controlling vs other xjw forums.
this is not an accusation, it is an attempt to know enough to be comfortable with motives of the ownership and controllers of the forum.
I gave up serving as an elder long before I was awakened to TTATT resulting in me giving up on the religion altogether. I cannot imagine why anyone would want to position unless it is a means of giving them fulfillment in their life. Or unless they are a power-hungry lover of the limelight.
as expected from a man who prioritizes the most vulnerable members of our community, marc has made a sober statement that explains why there's a deep conflict of interest between lloyds recent behaviour and the work they do at jw watch.
We attended the 50th anniversary of a couple that have been friends of the family for years. (I even dated one of their daughters.) At the party we learned she was 65 years old and he was 75 years old. That means at the time of their marriage she was 15 and he was 25. I believe they were from Arkansas. (US readers will get that.)
forgetting for a moment the past, let us imagine that now we are about 8,000,000,000 people in the world and jws are about 8,000,000.8,000,000 / 8,000,000,000 = 0.1%.this means that satan can mislead 99.9% (100 - 0.1) of the people in the world.after 1,000 years, when humankind will be perfect again, since "the number of these is as the sand of the sea" (revelation 20:8), once again a huge amount of perfect people will get misled by satan.if the reason for this big number was because of the imperfection, that means adam and eve's fault, not so many "perfect" people should get misled by satan in the future, could you think that 99.9% of the perfect angels are demons misled by satan?
if not, why is satan able or allowed to mislead so many more (imperfect and) perfect humans than angels?another question is: if god "does not desire anyone to be destroyed" (2 peter 3:9), why does he allow satan to be able to mislead 99.9% of people since he knows in advance that "many, i tell you, will seek to get in but will not be able" (luke 13:24), and "the number of these is as the sand of the sea" (revelation 20:8), and "go in through the narrow gate, because broad is the gate and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are going in through it; whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are finding it" (matthew 7:13, 14)?
should not it be the other way around as a logical statistic?
this is the link to the memorandum of law in the hines v. watchtower csa case filed last friday 2/11/22.
it is the wt lawyers reply in the trial where deborah hines accuses wt hierarchy even governing body members of continuing to employ a known child abuser, her own dad, at bethel because he was indispensable to them in video-production.
the slimy wt excuses start on page 7 of 28 where, as far as my non-legally mind can understand, the wt lawyers say the governing body can't get sued because they're not a corporation, nor are they mandated reporters of abuse, meaning they don't have to say anything by law even if they know a crime has occurred.. the slimy wt lawyers are also pretty good at playing with words to hide the fact that the governing body does run the business of the watchtower but from behind the scenes.
I did a little research. Only 28 states seem to have mandatory reporting laws for clergy. New York is not one of them.
I think this did, in fact, occur in New York, did it not? I can see where that would let WT off the hook legally, but they still could be sued in civil court for damages, and especially if it was ongoing after being reported. Let the Court or the Jury decide.