Philosophers sould stick to philsophy and scientists to science.
That was the case a century ago, but now science and philosophy go hand in hand. Take a look at the works of Sam Harris (neuroscientist and philosopher) or Dan Dennet (philosopher and cognitive scientist). Only by knowing how the mind works philosophers can express opinions on why we think the way we do.
I remember Carl's Tv series "Cosmos", at least I think thtat was the name, it was awhile ago, LOL !
Science should stick to science and allow science to speak for itself.
The Cosmos was one of the greatest scientific series ever made. Sagan explained deep principles using rich but simple language, accessible to every human. His role in the promotion of science was enormous. It also explains why science competes with religion today. I would suggest PSacramentoto watch it again . I think everyone should watch it at least once, religious persons to see how scientists think and science fans for sher pleasure. Till them enjoy a short glimpse of Carl Sagan:
Anyway I think all of us agree with Sagan's quote: Skeptical scrutiny is the means, in both science and religion, by which deep thoughts can be winnowed from deep nonsense.